Jane part 1

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(Jane's pov)

I have to find him. He needs to pay for what he's done. He needs to die.

'Where are you?' I think to myself as I'm walking through the woods. He has to be near. He needs to stop this madness.

....................................(time skip to before this all happened)..................

I was on my way over to his house. Somethings wrong. I walked up the short amount of stairs to his front door. I held the knife that I had tight. "Where are you." I say in a small mumble.

"I'm right here." The front door opened for me to see the monster that was there. Jeff.
To my surprise, he carved a smile in his mouth.

I fainted.

(Toby's pov)

"Then what happened?" I asked Jeff when he was telling about how he "changed".

He looked at me. He wasn't angry, but annoyed. "He splashed bleach on me, causing my skin to burn." He looked out side the window as if he saw something.

"Then he and his 'gang' started beating me up. Before I knew it, I heard gunshots causing everyone to panic."  'He's been through a lot.' I think to myself. ' But so has everyone here.' I looked at masky and hoodie. 'I wonder what they've been into before they came here.'

"The mother of the kid ,who's having the birthday party, was in shock. She didn't move, still holding the birthday cake, she just stood there. I guess she didn't know what to do."

"Nobody would know what to do." Hoodie finally said.

"The leader of 'gang' took one of the candles that were lit and tossed it on me before yelling at the others to leave. Then he looked me cold in the eyes and said "now you know not to mess with me. If you do, you and your family will be in danger. Got it?!" That's when I passed out."

"When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Wrapped from my head to my feet. I didn't know how I got there. That's when I heard the doctor come in the room. "Good, you're awake." He began. "You'll be here for a month and in a week you can take off the bandages." A week later, when I saw what I looked like something triggered in the back of my head." He pointed at his head.

"That's when I became insane. The doctor asked if everything was alright with me looking this way. Could I say no? Of course not. I wanted to get out of that hospital as fast as I could. "Who saved me?" The doctor looked confused. "Oh, the girl that was here for a few days. I believe she brought over the fire extinguisher to put you out." I smiled. Jane. She must of done it. She was the only girl on my street that knew what was going on."

""Thank you." I said to the doctor. "No problem. You will be out shortly." I saw my mom come into the room. "Can he leave today?" She asked as kindly as she could. "Yep, he can." I got all my things and went home. Once we got there, I looked at Jane's house and saw her in the window. I smiled my evil smile at her. When I got inside my house, my mom said that she and her family were coming over for dinner." Jeff looked down.

"When it was time for us to call her parents to come over, I stabbed my mom when she picked up the phone. She died before she could dial any numbers. When my father came into the room, I stabbed him too. I took their bodies and placed them at the table." Jeff was now tearing up but stopped.

"I called Lui to come down stairs. He was taking a nap. I went up to his room with the knife still in my hand. I opened his door and closed it when I was in the room. I went over to his bed. I heard him move. "Jeff, what are you doi-" he started but I cut him off. "Shhhh close your eyes, Lui. Go back to sleep." I held the knife to his throat. He was now crying. "Go To Sleep!" I stabbed him quickly and took his body to the table too. I placed all of the like we were having dinner.

"I was crying witch caused my face to burn. I don't like crying, so I took my knife and told myself to be happy then carved a smile in my mouth to be happy. I wanted to make my family happy too. I heard the phone ring. I went over to the phone to see who it was. Jane's parents. "Hello?" I answered it. "Hey, is this Jeffrey? I'm Jane's father. Are we supposed to come over now?" I smiled. "Yes, you can come over now." I said in my nicest tone.

"When they came over they didn't bring Jane. When I answered the door, I stabbed them instantly. I brought them over to the table and placed them right next to my parents and carved a smile into them. "Shhhh, be happy. Your daughter saved someone! You should be happy for her. Too bad nobody's going to save her like she saved me." When I got done I looked at the time. 12:00 pm.

I called Jane's home phone. To my surprise, she answered it. "H-hello?" I heard her answer. "Hello Jane, if you still want too, you came come over and have dinner with us. Everyone's here but you. You're missing out on the fun, Jane. You're family is having fun Jane. You should come over here. Or should I be a gentleman and come get you." I looked out my window seeing Jane's window open. I waved at her and smiled. Then i whispered "you're missing out on the fun Jane."

I started laughing. "I see the pun!" I say before I get smacked by masky. "Shhh! Let Jeff finish!" Tim said in an annoyed voice. "Ok ok"


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