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The Second Star To The Right by Nicole; Disneylover8

Chapter 10 Awkward


A/N of Awesomnes:
3K!!!! I was crying so darn much when I saw this and I'm just like "ahsjdjfjekwmdnxkskd omg sjdjdjdjsmsnd wtf I'm so darn happy omg djdjdjdncnfjdkdkdkkddkdododod"


Enjoy this chappie my awesome friends!

   "What the heck is going on here!" You pulled away and looked down at Hook. He was red faced and clueless.

   Well he's not the only one.

   You turned back to face Peter, but he wouldn't look at you.

   "Common. Let's get you home." He mumbled, then flew you back to shore.


   "So Peter." You smiled, following him as you both walked on shore. You pursed your lips together, trying the hide your smile.

   He didn't answer.

   "Peter?" You ran to his side and put a hand on his shoulder, "Are you o-"

   He shrugged your hand off and flew ahead a few feet. You stopped, looking at him with a sad, confused face, thinking he would turn around.

   You frowned, and walked up to the shore. You let the water brush your feet.

   I wonder what's wrong with him. It couldn't be because of me...could it? 

   "Common, (Y/n). We need to get you home." Peter called, looking back at you.

   "I think I'm gonna stay longer." You smiled at him, and he looked down.

"Sure. Whatever. Um-you know where the hideout is. You can go back. I'll catch you later." He then flew away.

   "Where is it?" You screamed after him. But of course...he didn't hear you. "Ugh!"

   You climbed over a rock and looked into the forest. "Heh. No way am I going in there."

   And I'll just wait for him right here!

   That's what you were gonna do...until you saw the Jolly Roger heading your way.

   "Or not," you squeaked then ran into the woods.

   "Ok I'll just find the water fall then...go right? No" You continued to ramble on for what seemed for hours, till you heard a little jingle.

   You stopped. What was that?

   There it was again, it was loud but soft...clear yet blurry.

   Sound like...bells.

   Your vision blurred as you thought about what Peter had said earlier.

"Oh I just can't wait for you to meet the boys and tinkerbell!"

"Tinker bell?" You asked, stopping in the tracks and looking at him.

"Yeah she's a really good tinker and her voice is like a bell...literally!" He laughed then continued through the forest.

   "Tinker Bell..." You whispered, then smiled.

   "Tinker Bell is that you?"

   "We will need to find her though...she lives in Pixie Hollow with her friends, but she's always looking for adventures and inventions."

   "Tinker Bell is that you?"

   Pixie hollow must be in the forest! So that has to be her!

   "I'm a friend of Peter!"

   Suddenly, you were surrounded my gold dust, and began to float into the air.

   Anyone feeling Deja Vu?

   You let the dust carry you into the air, then you were flown into the tree.


   "Who are you and why are you here? How do you know my name?" A voice demanded and you smiled.

   "Tinker Bell! Oh I'm a friend of Peters! He talks much about you!"

   Well, enough for me to know of...

   "He does?" A small voice whispered, and you could hear the blushing.

"Um-yeah and-"

   " can you hear me?"

   You finally fell to the ground, but landed on a pile of sticks.


   "Oh I'm so sorry!" A small girl flew to your side and you starred in awe.

   "Wow. Your beautiful." You put a finger out and let her tiny hands shake it.

   "Thank you. You are too, um-"

   "(Y/n)," you smiled at the pixie and examined her fully.

   Her blonde, almost yellow, hair was pulled up into a neat bun and a few strands fell loose. She was wearing a short, cut off green dress and green flats with a puff ball. Her blue eyes shined, making her pale skin glow. Lastly, her wings glistened in the sun. She was a beautiful fairy.

   Tinker Bell giggled, and you noticed her small brown, leather pouch.

   "Where's Peter?" She asked, and you shrugged.

   "He left me on the beach. He said that he'd 'catch up'." 

   "Oh...well I'll come with you to look for him."

   "Oh...Ok!" You smiled, and followed Tinker Bell through the woods.


   About thirty minutes later, you found Peter at the waterfalls where you had had 'fun' with the Lost Boys.

   He was sitting cross legged and hovering slightly over the rocks.

   You tip toed over to him, then jumped on top of him, tackling him to the ground.

   "(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" He beamed, as you sat in his lap.

   "Looking for you, duh!" You rolled your eyes.

   "I told you to go to the hide out! You know what people who disobey be have to suffer..."

   " no no! Pet-" You were cut off as he began to tickle you. "Stop!" You cried, pounding of his chest to make him put end the pain.

   When he did, he smiled softly at you, starring at all of your characteristics.

    She's beautiful...

   No one noticed, but Tinker Bells smile had disappeared as she noticed the way he looked at her. She knew it, though the two of them didn't.

   She knew that Peter Pan loved you.

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