ch.2 lip rings tattoos and a baby!

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Hunter and I are in my room making stupid faces to the baby, no! its not mine damn. no someone left a baby on the porch. he didn't have a name tag so hunter and I named him josh. josh hunter Jones. don't judge us.

Then Amy walked in and said something that just crush me.


Harry and Louis showed us Sky's journal, we were all crying. We are getting sky back, but what is she gonna think about us adopting Soula? she's gonna feel so betrayed!

"Soula! come on. We're getting sky back!" I yelled we all got in the car and drove to the main building with all of management. we all ran up to the 4th floor and ran into the main room.

"Bill, Nance, Emma! If we can have sky and Soula then I quite!" I say all the other boys agree.

"Liam she's bad publicity for you and all the boys!" Emma says

"we don't care! We love her! It Zayn sister goddamn it!" I yell.

"Ugh! Fine but if she ruins your career then that's too bad!" Nance says.

We all run out of the building and I call the orphanage to say that Zayn Malik's coming to adopt.


"They are coming back Sk-Iris." Amy says. Well you see I changed my name, Amy helped, only Hunter calls me Sky now my hairs brown again. I also got a lip ring and a tattoo illegally duh.

"No! Why would they come back? I'm not leaving this time! I'm not leaving Hunter!" I say holding him and Josh. are own little family, I wanna adopt Josh is that weird?

"I'm sorry Iris but if they want you, you have to go." She says

"Can't you say you adopted me?" I ask

"I'm sorry." She says before leaving

"Fuck!" I scream

I hear hunter laugh. I still have josh in my arms and stand up and carry him around the room. He laughs making me laugh too.

Hunter comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. he rests his head on my head. I'm 15 now and all I can say is in still pretty small. so sad haha.

"sky what are you thinking about?" hunter asks

"I'm thinking about how short I am." I say I can feel him laughing. I put josh down in the crib next to my bed and walk down stairs. I walk to Amy's office and open the door. "hey Amy? do I really have to be 18 before I can adopt josh?" I ask

"yes iris I know you love him." she says I nod. then head out the door. I walk back up to my room to see a crying josh and hunter holding him trying to calm him.

"what happened I was gone for 5 minuted!" I say taking josh.

"I don't know he just burst into tears!" he say.

"are you stupid babe can't you smell? he needs his diaper changed!" I laugh "its your turn!" I say quickly he growls playfully and changes Josh.

"Let's go out side!" Hunter says taking my hand. I grab a baby monitor before we walk out to the back yard.


I miss Sky! We finally got to the orphanage and I ran inside to find Amy. She sat at the front desk I ran up to her.

"Amy! hello I'm Niall and I'm looking for a 14 year old girl with blue green hair pretty short!" I say as calmly as possible all the boys are here now.

"Look I know who you're talking about, Sky, well let me tell you, she's changed! She's now 15 with brown hair again she has a lip ring and a tattoo. If you can find her oh and and she changed her name to iris." She said getting up to get some papers we all stood there in shock.

she's changed so much! Zayn almost looked angry and Soula looked excited she's gonna see her old friend.

we looked in all the rooms and can't find her! where is she!?

"sky! get back here!" someone yelled from outside. we all ran outside.

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