ch.11 therepy

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I woke up at 3am because josh was crying, but he wasn't in my room. I moved the chair and unlocked the door, I walked down the hall listening for Josh's cries.

I walked in front of Niall's room and that where the cries were the loudest. I quietly snuck in his room grabbing josh and running out. I walked back to my room locking the door again. I calmed josh down before putting him back to bed, it was 6am now so I got in the shower seeing as I couldn't sleep.

an hour later I got out and got dressed in sweat pants and a baggy shirt. I walked down the stairs and put on some running shoes grabbing my phone and ear buds, putting them in my ears and running out the door, the cold air hit me. I ran down the road, and all the way to the other side of town. I stopped when I got to a Starbuck. I walked in and took a seat, checking my phone I see Zayn called, by now its 9am.

"yes zayn?" I say once he picks up

"hey sky. where are you?" he asked, I could here the worry in his voice.

"I went for a run and now I'm at Starbucks I'll home soon!" I yell before hanging up. I didn't order any food I just rested before running home. once I stepped threw the door I saw Soula and harry pretty much having sex on the table. i ran up to Harry's bathroom grabbing a condom then running down stairs throwing it on them. once they saw me they stopped. I just kept laughing,  none of the

other boys were here.

"sky! we were having a moment!" Soula whines

"yeah a very sexual moment." I laugh

just then everybody walks in and I start to run to my room, but I was stopped sadly when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stair. and can I just say my wrists hurt like a bitch. I turned around to see Liam dragging me to the couch I sit down and it was very awkward.

"look sky we want you to go to therapy." zayn says

before anybody could say another word I was out of the room and running down to Alex's house. we've gotten so close lately. he has this brotherlieness that zayn doesn't. I climbed up his tree to his window because doors are for squares.

I looked in his window to see him and Ashley making out. I open his window and climb in. they don't even stop so I walked into Alex's closet to get some clothes cause it was raining. I stripped of my clothes in front of them. i really didn't care seeing as Alex has seen me like that before and Ashley's a girl to.

"so sky what's up?" Alex asks now paying attention to me. I explained to them wat happened while I got dressed. once I finished I was in Alex's arms. I'm not going to tell a bloody stranger my story!

so for the rest of the night we watched movies till we all fell asleep at around 8pm its been a long day, but tomorrows gonna be even longer.


I'm sooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated! I've been busy and school starts soon.

but can you please read my friend soulas story 'harder to breath' I'll love you forever! so comment 'Soula' if you read this.

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