ch.12 birthday blues

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I woke up still in Alex's bed, I checked my phone

4 missed calls from harry

7 missed calls from Soula

8 missed calls from Liam

12 missed calls from Louis

15 missed calls from Niall

20 miss calls from hunter

25 missed calls from Zayn


I called Zayn.

"hey Zayn...."

"skyler get your ass home now!" he yells

"an hello to you too!" I say before hanging up. I guess my yelling woke up Alex and ash.

"you okay?" ash asked

"no, Zayn wants me home so I can get ready for therapy. Shoot me!" I scream the last part.

"it'll be okay. I promise." Alex said, I nodded and climbed out his window. I ran home and was greeted by screams




I didn't even hear the rest of the yelling because I ran to the car and sat in the back listening to music. Liam, Liam, Liam, what the hell? I'm so done, I give up they win, they hurt me. I was wearing Alex's basketball shorts and a baggy T-shirt thanks Liam.

the rest of the boys and Soula got in the car Louis strapped in Josh and we took off. Hunter sat next to me texting me.

h- Alex's?

s-yeah....I didn't know wearing my best friends cloths made me a slut :/......well now I know.

h- you aren't, baby girl he's just mad.

s- yeah but he's just my brother, you're my boyfriend and you didn't even care that much!

After a while we arrived at the therapist and I refused to get out. Zayn dragged me out of the car but I sat down on the pavement.

"there's no fucking way I'm go to see a therapist. I'm not talking to a stranger about my personal life" I say bluntly. Louis just throws me over his shoulder and carries me inside.

"you know I'm not gonna talk to them, your paying for silence." I say they check in and then an older man maybe 30's walks in the room and calls my name, here we go.

*2hours later*

Silence, he tries to get me to talk but I just shake my head.

"okay Skyler, our time is up, I'll see you next week." he says as we exit the room.

"haha there's no fucking way I'm coming back here." I say

we walk out to everyone and I just walk straight out the door. they talk for a while then get into the car, they all seem pissed

"told you, you were paying for silence." I say they all give me dirty looks. "don't give me that fucking look I'm not the one that wanted to be here!" I yell

"well you won't be talking to anyone for a while, you are grounded from phone laptop iPod kindle TV, everything until you talk to your therapist." Zayn says, oh joy, note the sarcasm. once we get home they take away all my electronics, so i sit at my desk and start to draw, I may suck but I love too. I start to draw a picture of the efeal tower. after I'm done I go to bed, the boys didn't even noticed that I haven't eaten all day.

*3 months later*

I'm still grounded, but I've been coping with it, school sucks I'm still being bullied.

my birthdays today, I think the boy forgot. oh well that's normal for them to forget me.

I'm gonna get another tattoo, Perrie and Zayn are engaged. liams got a new girlfriend Sofia, she cool.

I've had 10 meals in the past 3 months.

I got out of bed and got ready for school, drank some water and skated to school, hunter was with me but Soula was sick. hunter did remember my birthday and bought me a bracelet with my favorite quote 'wrists are fr bracelets not for cutting' I have cut a lot but that gives me home. once I got to school Sam tackled me to the ground before yelling

" happy birthday you mother fucker!"

the day went by fast, I have new bruises from the bullies, I went home and the boys really did for get my birthday.

before going to bed I sent out a tweet

'happy birthday to me! thanks boy for remember! not...'

I then shut of my phone and go to bed

this has been the worst 16th birthday ever!

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