Chapter 17;

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"Here’s what’s going down. I need all the extra clothes you guys brought." I told them, walking towards this random bench in the studio’s lobby. "We," I motioned to Katie and I, "Are going to mix and match outfits, and then we’re getting out of here in pairs and a group of three. That way… you guys will NOT look like your normal selves, hopefully fool the fans and we can make a clean get away." I crossed my arms over my chest, proud of my plan.

"Are you sure about it Lex?" Harry asked me.

"Yea, it seems… risky." Liam rubbed the back of his neck.

"It’s either that or try and OUT RUN all those girls. Your pick?"

"Outfits!" The guys chimed at once.

"Great! Bags. Now." I smiled sweetly, as the guys reluctantly handed the bags over to Katie and I.

"We need to be on the road in 10 minutes or less…" Liam mentioned, pulling out his phone.

"Got it boss!" I was focused on the clothes.

Katie looked at me and we started trying to match everything. We started talking quietly amongst ourselves. After a few minutes are staring, moving articles of clothing, switching what we said we liked, and looking at what the guys are wearing now we did it.

"Alright, go change. Now. Katie and I are mixing up our outfits, too." I chimed, as I pointed to a guy and which outfit was his.

We left like this.

Katie arms locked with Louis.

Niall and Zayn walking out the side door, talking quietly.

Harry, Liam, and I walked out the other door, and I grabbed onto Liam’s arm.

"It’s going to work. It’s a great plan." He reassured me in a quiet manner.

I looked up and noticed the other four got to the van, we were so close. Just a few more meters… I held my breath as we stepped over a small barrier. We were doing great, until someone ran out the front door, started running towards us.

"LEXIE! YOU FORGET YOUR BAG! LEXIE!" This woman in her mid-twenties at most, huffed as she made her way to us.

"Shit… Thanks!" I grabbed it fast. Harry turned around to see the commotion. BIG MISTAKE. It took .3 seconds for the fans at the back to realize the trick we had played.




I looked at Liam and Harry. “RUN!” barely left my lips before their hands clasped mine and they took off in a full on sprint. We got to the van, the door open. I literally jumped in, Harry jumped after me, landing right beside me. Liam jumped to, landing ON Harry and me. Louis slammed the door shut.

"Great plan Lex!"

—Lou’s POV—

Lexie is just wow. I love my sister. She’s so inventive. We would have NEVER thought of that in a million years. And Katie too. I’m so glad they’re both here.

"So, the next interview is literally a half an hour drive." Liam said aloud.

"Can we change back lads? I miss my stripes." I smirked.

The guys changed quickly in the van. I made sure Lex covered her eyes. Katie too. I’m sure they peeked though. Me and the guys stripped off our shirts and pants and changed into what we originally were wearing.

The second interview went REALLY well. We mostly answered questions fans called in and asked. Alot of the fans wanted to know about Niall and Lexie. Then alot had questions for Lexie. Then the rest were for us. It was a success.

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