3: Taylor

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"That's ridiculous!" I exclaim.

"That's the price!"  Take it or leave it." Jack states.

If I was to tell you the worst experience during my whole high school career, it would be about dealing with snooty drug dealers. Especially Jack, he thinks his stuff is so fancy because it's imported. I mean it is pretty good, but is it worth his bullshit? I'm contemplating if I should take the weed or leave it. There are other dealers, but Jack's the best. I mean if I-

"Can you get your groupies off me!" I yell agitatedly.

In the back of the library building, Jack was leaning against the brick wall, while his groupies fall all over him. While we were talking, I guess some of them migrated towards me and start pulling on my shirt, touching my arms, and playing with my hair. It got annoying.

Jack snaps his fingers. "Girls." They stop touching me and they go back to him. "Look you don't have to make a decision right now. My product will be at Jenny's party tonight and you can buy there. Deal?" He puts out his hand.

"Deal." I shake it and walk away from his weird persona. I'm surprised that we actually had a conversation. He's always on some type of drug and can barely say a sentence.

As I walk back into the school building the bell rings for the end of fourth period. Just in time.

"Taylor! Taylor!"

"Oh shit!" I yell and start running down the hallway.

"I know you hear me!" The high pitch voice shouts at me.

It's very difficult running in a hallway full of kids who walk like turtles on vacation. But then suddenly something hard hits the back of my head and I stop.

"What the fu-"

"Taylor!" I look up and standing over me is Bountiful Barbra. You could guess why we call her bountiful.

I give her a meek wave. "Oh yeah, I was planning to call."

She pouts. "If you were planning to call I wouldn't have to throw my favorite pumps at the back of your head."

I bend down and pick her shoe of the ground. I take the pink shoe and place it on her feet. Then I caress her leg slowly all the way up to her hip and then up her side to her face, where I plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Will you forgive me?" I whisper in her ear.

"You've been avoiding me for a month." She whines and pushes her short brown hair behind her ear.

"I didn't mean to."

She sighs. "The only way I'll forgive you is if you take me to Jenny's party." I could do that.

"As your girlfriend." She adds.

Quickly I stop touching her. Then I look at my wrist that doesn't have a watch on it. "Oh look at the time. I don't want to be late for fifth period."

I dash through the crowd of kids faster than I ever have. Pushing puny freshman out the way and disrupting civilians.

"Taylor! Taylor!" She screeches my name. Don't look back. She will suck you in if I look back.

I know she's following after me. That chick is madly insane. My friends told me I shouldn't get with her, but the man downstairs wants what the man downstairs wants.

"Andrew! Get over here." To my left I see Coach Williams calling Andrew into his office.

"Wait for me Coach!" I yell over to him and he frowns at me, but he lets me into his office along with Andrew. Success!

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