28: Cameron

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"Can you guys just stop sucking face for one second. I mean don't you need to breathe at some point?" I point out, obviously disgusted by Dove and Taylor's new found affection.

"Don't be mad, just because you ain't getting some

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"Don't be mad, just because you ain't getting some." Taylor says and goes back to munching on his girlfriend.

I roll my eyes and then I feel someone yank on my arm. "Hey! What the-"

I don't have time to finish my sentence, before my lips are halted by another pair of lips. I hear   Dove and Taylor snickering behind me. When the persons done kissing me, I look up at them and it's Andrew.

"I'm sorry for being such an asshole."

I don't even know how to reply to this. I'm full of so many emotions, pain, longing, happiness, confusion! But I can deal with all of those feelings later, right now he's willing to try and to be honest I'm too tired to fight.

"Whatever." I respond and rest my head on the side of his shoulder. "I forgive you."

He chuckles and walks me down to the pile of burning wood in the middle of the forest.

He chuckles and walks me down to the pile of burning wood in the middle of the forest

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