21: Casey

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I know that I've never really liked Bella because she's always been closer to my brother than I have, but they are literally meant for each other. I won't let them throw their relationship away, so I have to find Bella. In the corner of my eye I see Dove and Cameron heading outside so I follow them.

I step outside with them and I see Bella making out with Dylan.

"What the fuck! I told you to watch her, not stick your tongue down her throat." Cameron exclaims and they pull away.

"Sorry." He shrugs.

Dove looks around and she sees me standing behind them. "Casey can you take him away?"

"Sure." I step around Dove and Cameron and reach for Dylan. "Let's go lover boy." I grab him by his shirt collar and pull him away from Bella.

"What are you thinking? She has a boyfriend!" I point out to the obviously clueless Dylan.

He shrugs. "Didn't they break up?"

As we walk back into the party and sigh. "Do you know nothing about relationships?"

"Nope. I just know when I see a pretty girl my manly senses just come alive." He starts to flex his muscles in an obnoxious way.


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"Ew. Get away from me." I push him away and begin to walk the opposite direction, not being able to stand him.

"I love you too." He shouts, and trails after me.

The last day of schoolWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt