12: Zach

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"Obviously I still think this is the worst idea on the planet." I tell Dylan.

"But are we getting caught? No we are not,  so lets continue searching." Dylan replies. "And don't worry we have Luke on the look out for your brother."

"That makes me worry even more." We give an uncertain look towards the door where Luke is on the opposite side, guarding.

I don't get it. Dylan is a pretty cool guy in our grade and could get any underclassman he wanted, they say he's destined to be the new Andrew Jameson, but with Lacrosse instead. But of course he goes for the most unavailable girl out there.

"Found it!" He exclaims. Behind me, Dylan had torn up the floor boards and found some of Jack's stash. "I know it's not all of it, but it's enough." he adds.

"My brother is going to kill me. Tonight is the night I die."

Dylan scoffs. "Your brother won't notice, he's always on something. He won't care if a little bit of his weed goes missing. And besides he has other stuff."

"Umm guys." We hear Luke calling from the hallway. "We have a problem."

The door opens and in walks Jack with a knife to Luke's throat. "Put the weed down little bro!" He screams.

"What the fuck man! I don't even have it!" I scream at him. "Dammit Dylan! He's on shrooms and a little bit of cocaine! He always gets crazy when he's on shrooms and cocaine! He calls the mix Killer Kandy! Killer Kandy!!"

"Shit." is all Dylan manages to say.

Jack points the knife at Dylan, and places Luke in a chokehold. "Hey! You! You little shit! Put the product down."

"Dylan just do as he says." Luke tells him.

"But what about Dove?" Dylan complains.

I start jumping around in frustration. "Dove doesn't even smoke weed!"

"Luke's life? Or weed?" Dylan starts contemplating.

"What?! Are you actually thinking about this." Luke yells.

"I know that it's a really hard decision, but there are other girls out there like Dove. I promise you." I say to Dylan.

After a few seconds Dylan sighs and drops the weed. "Fine."

Then my brother puts the knife in his pocket. "Good choice my man." He smiles. "But if I ever find any of  you three dipshits in my stash again, I promise that one of you will die."

All three of us quickly get out of his room and he slams the door in our faces.

I lean against the wall and take a deep breath. That was too close.

"You guys are assholes." Luke says.

I chuckle nervously and with a frown, Dylan begins walking away from Jack's room. Maybe he didn't get his weed, but at least none of us are dead.

I feel like this is a good pic for this chapter.      😂😂

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