5: Dove

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"High school boys are so over rated. It's all about the college ones now." I tell the naive girls in front of me.

"But they are like way older than us."

I roll my eyes while applying more mascara in the mirror. "Age just means more experience."

"Ew, don't fill their minds with that. If you're still under eighteen, those boys will get arrested." Bella puts out.

I shush her. "You don't get to talk about boys because you already have a boyfriend."

Bella smirks at me. "You jealous?"

I playfully turn on the sink and splash some water on her. "You wish." I miss her, and the brunette tauntingly sticks her tongue out at me as she places herself on top of the bathroom counter. I decide to sit on top of the counter with my best friend, and survey the underclassmen who were hanging onto my every word.

I know we should be in class right now, but it's absolutely boring. Mr. Crocker just keeps talking about how he's going to quit next year, because he hates this school. So I just walked out. I didn't really need to be there anyways, I've already been to half my classes today.

"Don't worry there will be older guys at my party." Jenny mention as she walks out of one of the bathroom stall. "I was able to rent a house! It's going to be so much fun!" As she walks to the bathroom sink she waves off the smell and smoke of cigarettes and weed.

"Where are your parents going to be?" Bella questions Jenny.

"Japan. They had the extra cash so they thought why not. They did tell me not to have a party in the house while they were gone," She smirks at us. "good thing I'm not throwing one in my house." She giggles at her cleverness.

"Stop being such a buzz kill with all these questions Isabella!" Casey snaps at her.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are." I put my index finger and my thumb really close together to show how much of a worrier she is. "Just a little."

"Whatever." Bella tightens up and hops down. Then she makes an angry exit out of the bathroom.

"She's a little touchy today." Casey points out as she touched up her makeup in the mirror.

"Well she did get early admission to college and didn't tell Beck yet." I mention.

"Shut up!" Jenny shouts. "Are you kidding!?" I shake my head no. "That's amazing. Good for her."

"No it's not! My brother is going to flip!" Casey exclaims. She puts out her cigarette and gathers her things.

I gracefully slid off the sink counter. "You can't tell Beck she wants to do it herself."

"He's my brother Dove, and I can't watch him get hurt." Casey protest.

I grab her arm to stop her from leaving. "Please don't. I wasn't even suppose to tell you guys." I beg her. I know that Casey doesn't really like Bella and would love to see them separated. But hopefully, for her brothers sake, she won't say anything.

Casey stops in her tracks. "When is she suppose to leave?"

I sigh. "End of July."

"Shit." Jenny curses.

"Fine I won't tell him. But if she doesn't tell him soon, I will." Casey says and walks out the bathroom.

Jenny goes back to her reflection in the mirror. She starts playing with her dirty blonde hair and checking her teeth. "Don't worry Dove, with a little alcohol in her Bella will be spilling all kinds of secrets and you won't have this burden anymore."

"If you say so."

The last day of schoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang