Chapter 4 - Learning Each Other

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I immediately started to run around the whole school, asked a few people, but it was no use. Did I have to actually text him?

I sat back on the bench, texted my mom I would be late and that I was with a friend to "study" and started to text Jungkook afterwards.

Me: "Jungkook? It's Seraphine. You're probably wondering how I got a hold of you. Nari, yeah... anyways. Are you okay? I'm worried."

I just sat there at the bench and waited until he responded, but after 10 minutes, I decided to walk home. After I was a few feet away from the school, a buzz came to my phone.


And it was...

Jungkook: "Sorry, I don't feel like talking about it." Wow, he suddenly got really serious than earlier. I groaned and started to laugh.

Hah, he's such a baby...

Me: "I know you have no feelings for Yeri."

He didn't respond for a minute.

Me: "Nari told me everything. About you breaking up with her, but to her she thinks she is still in a relationship with you. And it hurts for you to see her. Right? Jungkook, it's fine. I understand everything you are feeling. It hurts for me to hear and see you hurting. If you want, text where you are and you can hug me." I did not just say hug me, to a person I just met a day ago. A normal fangirl would scream, but if I'm starting to go to school with him, I had to act normal.

Jungkook: "Ok... meet me at the park near the school."

Since when was there a park?

I started to run... haha run run run... nevermind. I found the park and saw someone sitting near the fountain, where the lights surrounding it flashed on that familiar silhouette.

"Hey, so you actually agreed." I screamed towards the silhouette. I took a few steps forward. The moonlight was so beautiful, that it reflected onto the fountain water. It was only the two of us, alone. No Nari, no Yeri—okay, what am I thinking!?

The silhouette stepped into the light, showing the face of the mysterious figure. I couldn't believe it.

Jungkook was crying, was he hurting this much? At that point I wanted to latch right onto him and hug him with all my might. Was this shy maknae really crying in front of me, and has the will to do it? He started to walk towards me... this wasn't how he was on the broadcasts... his personality... wasn't like this at all.

And it happened. He hugged me. The same strawberry scent aura filled the area, the sound of crickets filled in the quietness. I had no choice but to of course smile, and hug back, squealing internally.


"So, are you going to tell her?" I asked him. We were now sitting on a nearby bench in the park. I still couldn't believe I was with him all alone. It was already 9 o'clock, and I was most likely going to get a whooping once I get home.

"Yeah, but I have to tell her by phone. I know it's a sucky way, but I won't be able to go to school tomorrow since we are preparing for an event." He said, and there was complete silence for a minute. Then, I remembered something.

"Oh yeah!" I gasped, and rummaged through my backpack, until I found it. The bag of sweets I got at the bakery in the mall.

"Wha-?" He said quietly, until he beamed with a smile.

"I was going to give it to you earlier, but you ran away." I gave the bag and he took it and bowed to me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." He then opened it, and gasped. He grabbed a macaron and ate it, smiling some more. Was it weird he specifically ate the strawberry one?

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