Chapter 5 - Awkward Meetings

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"Yeah?" He asked me. I patted the side of me and sat down, somewhat close. Ugh, that same peculiar strawberry scent was filling the air around us. I was trying not to fangirl too. This was getting really difficult.

I took a deep breath and started to tell him what happened in the morning.

"Look, about today... I was actually feeling sick this morning, so I didn't go to school. I did get the text about Yeri wanting to see me, but I wasn't able to go to school so I was thinking 'okay, I'll see her tomorrow'. I decided to go to the mall and it was around lunchtime... and she was there. I was so surprised. She walked to me, and slapped me right on the cheek." I could see the shock fill his eyes, it was like the life of him disappeared.

I put my hand on my cheek, in fact the one she slapped. I continued on.

"After that, I-" I paused and remembered about Taehyung's appearance. I shook my head and even lied about him being there for some reason. I started to regret everything now. Stress was now falling on top of me piece by piece.

"I managed to scare her away. But I guess-" he interrupted me.

"She can't let go of me. I'm so sorry, Seraphine. It's just, she's been really clingy on me lately. I-I told her yesterday and she replied back with 'it's okay. If that's how you feel.' but I never knew she would do this." He grabbed my hand and started to notice the bruise forming on my cheek. I got up and dusted my skirt again.

"Why don't we go to one of my favorite diners. My treat. Then afterwards, I'll take you to our place."


"We're here." He said and pulled open the door so I can walk in. Once I got in, the smell of meat filled the air. I haven't had a decent meal after I got sick for a few hours, so I was starving.

The man over the counter took us to our table and we began to look through the menu. I think when every minute passed by, my stomach started to growl. I tried to hide the noise by making a random sound, but Jungkook would always look at me as if I was a weird person.

It was hard not to make eye contact with him. Yea, that's right. I did not want to make eye contact with him. There were so many people around us (some even giving me the usual stink eye) and it soon started to become very awkward between us. Like... I didn't want it to look like a date, but it already did to most of them.

I started to look at the ground below the table instead of the menu itself. Everything looked so good, they even had shakes and iced tea.

"Hello, I'm Bom and I'll be your server-" she paused and smiled after looking up at her notepad. At me? Or—

"Ah, Jungkook-ah! Long time no see."

—at him.

"Hey Bom! Sorry, I have been busy so I can't really pass by much." Now more people started to glare at us. Ugh, this was getting pretty difficult to go through. But, agh... he started to look really cute with that bunny teeth smile. Who was she though?

"Oh, Seraphine. This is Bom! She's one of my mother's childhood friends, and is like an aunt to me. She lives out here in Seoul and works here part-time. Don't worry." He then winked at me. What was that supposed to mean!?

Bom looked at Jungkook, then me. Don't you tell me she's thinking we are—

"Are you guys, ahh! Perhaps on a date?"—dating. She even said it in a loud, outside voice. I swear, this woman.

So much eyes glanced at me now, and less on Jungkook. Agh! Can't we just order already!?

"Uh, Bom please. We're not on a date. We're just friends from school. I'm just offering her something since I owe her one." She smiled and squeezed Kookie's cheeks, which almost every Jungkook stan wants to do. She did it before I can do it! She was getting on my nerves now. Obviously though, I shouldn't be jealous at her. She was really nice.

"Anyway, can we order?" Jungkook finally brought up. Geez, he should have said something before the chaos began. The amount of eyes began decreasing and I started to feel much more comfortable.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. What can I get you guys?" She says, acting like all the things that happened didn't even happen. She's a very unique woman indeed.

"One peach iced tea, and-"

"Uh, peach tea too please." I said, regretting to get the same drink. But, I actually wanted it before he said it. She nodded and began to walk away, but Jungkook grabbed her sleeve.

"Can we just order the whole meal?" He said in a rush. Did he want to stall up the time...? She nodded and began to listen once again.

"Okay, steak medium rare... and can you add a side of egg pudding." What was this kid ordering? Maybe that was his "usual" meal. I saw it in Bom's eyes, and her smirk. Oh geez.

"Uh, can I just get a Korean salad with sesame dressing, steak medium rare and-" I really wanted the egg pudding too but... aish, whatever. "Egg pudding too." My voice started to crack a bit. She nodded, bowed and walked away, processing the order into the computer.

Jungkook began to take off his beanie and set it aside. He then began to rub his hair. He was starting to look more and more cute the longer I see him.

"Sorry about her, she's really... I don't know, clingy? She still thinks I'm 10." I laughed immediately after he said that.

"What?" He asked me, while giggling. I can't believe she thinks he is still a fetus, although I hate to say it but he is still considered a baby to me. I tried covering my smile but he started to look for it. Really?

"Heh, it's okay. It's just, you're really popular." I said. He smiled and rubbed his neck. Ugh, still being adorable as always, and handsome. He was too perfect. I was starting to think it was a date after all, but I couldn't admit I liked him. Was it getting too obvious?

Bom came back with our peach iced teas and placed them on the table. I said thank you and she smiled back. She was starting to not get on my nerves anymore, but really, what am I even thinking? She's way older than me.

"So, about meeting them... just, try not to be overwhelmed you know? It's been a long time since I have brought a girl into our dorm ever since-" His voice cracked. "Uh, you know." I nodded at him, knowing where he was going into.

I took a sip at the peach iced tea and was so surprised how good it was. I saw him smile back at me. Cute as ever.

Bom came back with our meals and we ate away, although occasionally the girls in the restaurant began to talk behind our backs. Sigh...

After a while, I knew I couldn't finish my egg pudding so Jungkook grabbed his chopsticks and took a bite. I gave a glance at him and he paused.

"If you want me to help." He offered. I shrugged and pushed the plate in the center and we both finished it together. The thought of us being on a date still lingered in my mind. Someone make it stop!

Jungkook paid the meal and by the time we left, it was already about a quarter to 6PM. I grabbed my scarf from my bag and wrapped it around my neck. He put on his beanie and took out his phone.

"Today's Friday right? Maybe you can stay over a bit longer. You can meet them. You are the contest winner, aren't you?" He put away his phone and pointed towards the direction their dorm was located. Time for more chaos to commence.

To be continued.

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