Chapter 9 - Sick Controveries

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I fell asleep with my phone in my hand which rested on top of the blankets. I heard the clattering of plates and cups outside the room. I almost forgot what was even happening.

Oh right, us being in a relationship.

I glanced at my phone, and it was 3AM in the morning. Why were the older boys still up? It's way too late...

I noticed Jungkook still under the covers, not showing himself. What was happening?

I yanked the blanket trying to see him, but he immediately caught my surprise.

He was literally sweating everywhere, starting to drench the comforter with his own sweat. I gasped, trying to talk to him, but I was scared. I didn't know why.

"Oh my gosh, Jungkook! What happened? Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?" I started to speak asking questions upon questions, but I tried not to overwhelm him.

"I... don't... feel..." He started to breath heavily between the words and coughed at the end. He was definitely ill. That was probably why he didn't eat yesterday.

I got up and barged into the living room, all eyes on me. I was still surprised all of them were still awake.

"Ah, Seraphine. There's something we need to talk about-" I broke in the sentence not caring about that damn article. In fact, it was stupid too. It's literally looking into someone's private life.

"Jungkook's sick! Is there like a rag or medicine or something to help him!?" I said very frantically. I felt my voice shake, the room started to spin. Was I myself getting sick?

No, I was just scared. But why was I that scared? Jungkook wasn't going to die... right?

Seraphine, stop overreacting!

"Wait, sick!? How did he-?" Seokjin said. I ran back into the room, with Seokjin and Yoongi following me, the rest staying in the living room. I could hear the heavy breathing literally halfway through the hall. I ripped the blanket (not literally) away from his clutch to let Seokjin and Yoongi examine him.

"We should let manager-hyung know what is happening. He can't go to the fan signing like this!" Yoongi said, while Seokjin nodded. Yoongi ran back inside the dining room grabbing his phone, beginning to dial the number of their manager.

"Jungkook, you need water. Can you get up? Or actually, first you need to calm down on the breathing." Seokjin said, I heard the trembling voice in his throat. I couldn't imagine how he had to deal with Taehyung and Yoongi when they were ill that one time.

Jungkook started to calm down, and I couldn't even do anything. How terrible a girlfriend I was right? Seokjin picked up Jungkook, who was literally clenching onto Seokjin's shirt. It was cute, but hard to watch. Was it all my fault...? Since I was sick yesterday, but I got better, no... maybe it just happened.

Jungkook was sitting on the couch with a rag on his forehead, while lying down. Meanwhile, I ran into the kitchen with a racing heart, I wanted to cry yet I knew I'd be overreacting. But what else can I do? Sit here and do nothing?

I came back with a cup of water, and I sat next to him trying to help him drink. I felt his hand touch my wrist and it was burning hot. I looked away, trying not to see him suffer.

"Hey." I heard him speak with a weak voice. My eyes widened, so I turned slowly back at him.

"It's going to be fine. I'll get better soon." He then smiled. I started to cry in front of him again. Geez, why was I like this? Such a crybaby, and in front of my favorite idol, and now boyfriend. Seokjin walked towards us putting his signature pink phone away.

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