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A Candy Orchard

Marshall Lee

I glided through the night sky with my axe strapped to my back. The air was crisp and it started to smell sweeter and sweeter as I neared my destination.

I floated below his balcony as he strolled out. I could sense his smirk, knowing that I was here.

"Marshall! Oh, Marshall! Wherefore art thou, Marshall?" He called out, laughing.

"Why am I Marshall, you ask? My Father gave my name to me." I laugh, knowing that he didn't know what 'Wherefore' meant.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Juliet asks herself why the person she loves has the name of the enemy." I laugh, floating up to the gummy mass.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm science, you're literature." He scoffs.

"That's why we go well together." I smirk, my face inches from his.

"You're such a moron." He rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around my neck.

He pulls me over the balcony walls and into a kiss. My hands rub his hips and bum and he yelps when I squeeze.

"You horny hipster." He growls, his nose pressed to mine.

"What are we?" I laugh, kissing him once more.

"I... I don't know, Marshall..." He let's go of me, his face becoming serious.

"I know, you're too busy for a relation-"
"Don't say that!"
"Well it's true, isn't it?"
"It was!"
Silence fell between us. He bites his lip and looks at me with those big, purple orbs. I swallow hard.

"I'm sorry, Marsh, it's just that.... My kingdom. It was growing, it still is, I was too busy for anything; anyone." He choked, crying now.


He looks up at me, tears pouring out of his sockets. He throws himself onto me and sobs.

"I-I missed you.... Marshall."
"I missed you too, Gumball."
"Can we.... Can we start over?" He hiccups, still in my arms.

"I would love that."


I held him close, not wanting to let go. I couldn't keep my hands off his sticky, pink body. I couldn't keep my lips away from his rosy, now swollen, ones.

"M-Marshall!" He'd moan. Crowley, I loved how he called my name out like that.

He looked so vulnerable on top of me. He shook at every new movement made. Our bodies rocked into each other as I attacked his neck with love bites and nips.

His orgasms were amazing. He squealed and spilled himself all over me. He panted and shook, his sticky fingers tangled in my dark locks. He rested his head on mine and we kissed like we haven't in years. Which is true because we haven't.

I pulled him down into his bed, his sticky body still shaking on top of me. We both panted as the cool, night air drifted through the open window and cooled our sweaty bodies off.

"We're doomed like Romeo and Juliet, you know that, right?"



"I love you, Marshall."

"I love you too, Barty."

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora