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A Room in the Candy Castle


Cake is visiting Fiona today. She said she wanted to see her herself. She didn't sound too happy over the phone.

"So this is that lil hair sample, huh?" She asked, her paw on her hip.

"Yeah." I say, nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Where's Marshall?"
"Still sleeping."
"He knows about this too?"
She was silent for a while. She took another glance at her growing sister.

"How far along is she?"
"Two months."
"You got a long ways to go."
"Nine months, right?"
"Yeah I think."
It was quiet again. I could feel myself getting more nervous and nervous.

"Why are you doin' this?" She asked, turning to me with a stinky look.

"Marshall and I really miss her, Cake, and I'm sure you do too." I sigh.

"That doesn't mean clone her! You don't even know if she even wanted you to do that!" She yelled.

"I know, Cake, I know. I-"

"And what about Flame Prince?! Ever thought about cloning him too?!"

"No, Cake, Marshall was having a hard time and-"

"Oh, Glob, of course! It's all about Marshall now, huh? So you clone my sweet baby sister just for that stupid vampire! He's lived a thousand years, Gumball, don't you realize that? He's used to death! He's just trying to gain your sympathy!" She screamed. Her breathing was heavy and her fur was a bit damp from perspiration.

"Fiona was his best and only friend, Cake. The only person he could talk to." I sigh, trying to be calm.

Cake sighed. She looked up at Fiona, tears in her eyes and her breathing still heavy. She started to calm herself and her breathing.

"Take good care of her, Gumball. I saw your ring. Think of it as my wedding gift to you. My baby sister." She whispered.

All I could do was nod. My eyes were heavy and burning. I blinked the tears back.

"I have some of her old baby clothes over at the treehouse. I'll bring them over tomorrow." She said, still in a whispering tone.

"You kept all of her clothes?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sometimes, when Fi was feeling down, I'd shift into a random baby and dance around in her clothes to make her laugh." She said, smiling a bit.

I giggle a little bit at the thought of cake in a baby onesie of some sort. She begins to laugh a little too.

Marshall floats in the lab. He notices Cake and pauses. He sets himself down and slowly walks toward us.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey, Marshall." Cake whispered.

"You sleep well?" I ask, ruffling his hair a bit.

He nods, his eyes kept on Fiona.

"Cake's alright with it." I whisper in his ear, earning a big grin in return.

"Thank you." He says, turning to Cake.

She smiles and nods. "Don't mention it, Vampy." She laughed a little.


Marshall and I sat on a bench under the shade of a cotton candy tree. His head rested on my shoulder and mine on his. We had picked strawberries from the castle gardens and now we were eating them out of the basket.

He would suck the colour out, pass it to me, and I would eat it. The taste isn't that bad once you get used to it. It's almost like eating a normal strawberry after a while.

I held a big binder filled with clippings, notes, swatches, sketches, and more. I would suggest something to Marshall, he would agree or disagree and I would take note.

"I was thinking blue as a theme for Fiona." I said, pointing to a few clippings I found in some magazines.

"I like that. Just don't do some shit sea theme along with it. She hates the sea and that's just basic." He snorted, sucking a strawberry dry and passing it to me.

"Of course." I chuckled, taking the strawberry and biting into it.

"This may sound surprising, but I want something elegant." He giggled. "Weddings are supposed to be sacred and beautiful, especially for us royals." He said, winking.

I giggled a bit and took note of that, turning a few pages to some tuxedo swatches.

"I was thinking grey for you and white for me. How does that sound?" I ask.

"No." He gagged. "White? Girl, no. I think I should wear grey and you could wear some prince suit." He suggested. "As for ties, I feel like I should wear a plain ole red one." He said, pointing to the example pictures that I taped on.

"Yeah I like that better." I grinned, taking more notes.

"And we should have a big feast instead of a party! As another tribute to Fi." He said.

"And we could have meatloaf too!" I said. "'Cause that's her favourite."

"I can't digest that, but damn that sounds good." He laughed, handing me another drained strawberry.

"But of course we'll have hors d' oeuvres too, we need an after party after all." I said. "Maybe we could have the feast then the party? Or maybe the other way around?" I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds better than just a feast." He nodded.

I made a few final notes and closed the binder.

"That's enough for today, we'll do a bit more tomorrow and hopefully get to setup." I said cheerfully.

I set the binder down beside us and we continue on with our fruit. We looked out onto the candy streets that had citizens walking and children playing in the now warm air.

"This is nice." He whispered, kissing my jaw.

"Indeed." I answer, kissing his head and holding his cold hand.

I felt his smile against my skin and he squeezed my hand.

I squeezed back.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant