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A Public Place


Cake talks too much.

Only when I get all quiet and awkward. She just blabs on and on about random junk no one, I mean no one, cares about.

"You seem grumpy." Cake harrumphs.

"Just tired." I simply answer, dragging my sword behind me.

"Why don't we just crash at Gumball's? He's close by." She suggests.

"N-no!" I shiver.

Marshall could be there for Glob's sake! They'll be all smoochy and gay and stuff.

"Why not?" Cake pouts. "You don't want to sleep on a cotton candy pillow?" She rubs her tummy.

"Ew. No. My hair gets all sticky."
"You're so lame." Cake groans. She shifts herself into a larger figure and places me on her back.

"We're going anyways." She hoots, taking off toward the Candy Kingdom.

"He's with Marshall."

"Ugh! Of course!" I groan, flailing my arms.

"I guess we'll go home then." Cake sighs. "Marshall's house is too small to crash at."

Cake opens the door for us and she immediately stretches her limbs up the ladder. I climb the ladder into the living room, I can hear the water rushing through the pipes.

I climb the ladder and hoist myself up into our room. I could hear the water running in the bathroom.

Cake comes out and gestures for me to go inside. As I enter, she exits the small room into our bedroom. I can see her laying out my night clothes.

I peel the grimy clothing off and toss it to the side of the room. I notice Cake made a bubble bath and I begin to dip my foot deeper into the bubbly substance.

I let my short hair fall out of the bunny cap (Cake's still depressed about me cutting it) and I begin to put my locks into a small bun as I sink into the tub.

I lay back in the steaming bubble bath and exhale.

Why do Gumball and Marshall have to be gay? I think to myself. I sigh. Why can't I stop thinking about them like this? They're my friends, I need to just.... Accept them.

I hear a tapping on the small window beside me. I feel my face grow hot and I reach up to open it. Marshall's face appears and he smiles.

"Hey." He simply says.
"Hey." I swallow.

It was quiet for a while.

"Shouldn't you be with Gumball?" I ask, which sounded like an annoyed groan.

"He left and I got bored." He said, crawling through the window.

"Hey!" I jump, covering myself.

"I won't touch your lady parts, chill." He laughed, making my face grow hotter.

"I-I don't won't you to see them."
"There's bubbles covering you anyways." He shrugs, wandering around the bathroom.

I shift a little in the tub, watching his movements. He was rummaging through a random cabinet.

"Looking for something?" I speak up.

"Red." He simply replies, pulling out a red washing sponge.

"Ew." I gag.

He frowns and tosses the sponge back into the cabinet and continues his search.

"So are you and Gumball..."

He looked up at me with a questioning look, oblivious at what I was getting at.

"... Like, dating?"

He bursts out into laughter. He's laughing so hard that he's doubled over.

"I guess so, yes." He says eventually.

I sink into the tub and he floats over to me.

"What? Do you think it's wrong?" He was frowning. It was scary.


He raises an eyebrow and smiles. He gently pats my head and exits.

After he leaves, I drain the tub and dry myself. When I enter our room, Cake was already asleep.

I quietly put my clothing on and glide into my bed. I look up at the ceiling.

This gonna take some getting used to.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now