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A Room in The Candy Castle

Marshall Lee

Barty had some royal junk to do today. He usually goes by the orphanages and bakeries in the mornings.

I was left alone for the day. At least, alone until Barty finds a break. The loneliness doesn't bother me that much because of my new sleeping schedule. I go to sleep late at night and wake up late in the mornings. This way, I can see Barty and break into his lab to see Fiona.

It was around noon when I woke up. I lounged around in his bed for a bit longer until my stomach growled.

I sat up, stretched, and crawled out of his bed to find anything to put on my naked bod. All I could find was a random pink jumper and tight baby blue jeans.

"B Scotch must've nabbed my clothes to clean." I groaned to myself.

I stared down at the two articles of clothing and debated on whether or not I was actually going to wear this shit. I sighed and picked up the pink cloth and tossed it over my shoulders.

I never realized how much smaller I am compared to him. The jumper was a bit baggy and when I put on the pants, they were tight on my legs but they were hard to keep up around my waist.

I rummaged around his room in search of a belt. I soon realized I was going commando. I groaned some more while I searched for something to hold the pants up; I'll find underwear another time.

After I found a belt and put it on, I floated down to the kitchens to find something red.

"Can I help you, Abadeer?" A certain Scottish Butler asked.

"Got anything red?" I asked.

She sighed and gestured for me to follow her into the big pantry.

"I'm sure you can find lots of sweets to hold you over." She said, "If there's anything you want to be made, just ask one of the chefs." With that, she scurried off.

I decided to grab an apple and a few strawberry filled donuts from the counter. I floated out of the kitchen with my breakfast.

I found a parasol lying around in the coat room and decided to float around the kingdom while I finished my breakfast. I don't know where Barty would be right now, perhaps he's at some sort of meeting about that damn honey pool he's always complaining about.

As if on cue, I saw him in the distance talking to some candy people in hard hats.

"No!" I heard him groan. "I want it gone!"

The surly sweets spoke to him in hearty voices, and I couldn't tell what they were saying.

"No one ever uses the thing! Do we honestly need to keep it? I've been telling you for months... Marshall!" He yelped my name after I slung my arm over his shoulders. His cheeks started to turn a bit red. A delicious red.

"Your Prince has no need for a pool. You should listen to him and get rid of it." I hiss, making the once surly sweets cower like little gumdrop girls.

They glance over at their prince in hopes of bailing them out, but he stands his ground. We both look down at them.

After a few moments of silence, the biggest pastry speaks.

"We'll get right on it, Your Highness." He gulps, bowing.

Barty nods and gestures for me to walk with him as we leave the manly sweets to their work.

"Thank you." He said, sighing in relief. "They can be quite stubborn when it comes to getting rid of... Are you really eating that for lunch?"

I look down at the pastries in my hands and shrug. "Yeah, I guess." I simply say, earning an eye roll from my partner.

"How bout you save those for later and we get something from the deli?" He asked, taking my pasties.

I shrug once more as he asks a random vendor for a bag to put the sweets in. He dumps them in a white paper bag as we make our way to the Candy Kingdom Deli.

Barty bought himself a sandwich and he bought me some red pasta salad. We ate our lunch outside on a bench. He talked mostly about the orphanage and how they need more volunteers.

"Have you checked on Fi?" I asked, a bit of red coming out of my mouth.

"Yeah. She's getting big, and doing so well! I'm going to call Cake today and tell her." He said, whispering the last part.

"How do you think she'll react?"
"Well, she is Fi's sister, after all. So I'll just tell her what's up and if she doesn't like it, I'll shut it down."

I choke on my pasta.

"Shut it down?!" I gag.

"She's her sister, Marshall. It's bad enough that we've already started behind her back." Barty said, putting his hand on my knee.

"I'm sorry, Marsh." He whispered. "Things like extinction happen all the time." He rests his head on my shoulder.

I said nothing. I just nodded.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now