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A Room in the Abadeer House

Marshall Lee

I smelled bacon.

I slowly sat up and stretched, feeling a foreign object on my hand.

A sparkling blue ring.

It seemed kind of girly but hell I think I look like a bad ass bitch with it on my girly hand. Plus Fiona designed it and it makes me feel warm and happy whenever I look at it.

I floated out of bed and down the loft into the kitchen, Barty was preparing breakfast.

"Morning, Marsh! You feel okay?" He chirped, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I simply nod and watch him carefully flip the bacon over, grease popping everywhere, making him jump.

"I'm better off baking than cooking." He grumbled.

"There's a difference?"
"Well then..." I sighed, watching him continue preparing our meal.

He set the plates on the rarely used table and sat down in front of me.

"I put hot sauce in the eggs to make them red." He informed. "And I know you like them spicy...."

I simply chuckled, eying the contents on the plate. Crispy red bacon, spicy ass eggs, and some sliced strawberries.
"Yummy, thanks Bartles."

"Bartles?" He snorted.
"Sexy isn't it?" I laughed.
"You may have to call me that in bed." He laughed sarcastically.

We continued eating. I finished up before he did, he stirred his reddened eggs around.

"You gonna eat your eggs?" I asked, licking my lips with my snake-like tongue.

"Nah, I'm not one for spicy things." He shrugged, sliding his plate towards me. I took in his eggs as he cleaned up around me.

"Careful before you catch fire." He chuckled, dumping the dishes into the sink.

"I don't think eggs will kill me." I laughed.

"What can kill you besides stakes and fire?" He chuckled, taking my plate and cleaning it with the others.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked suspiciously.

"So I can kill you!" He growled, attacking me with kisses and nips.

"Oh no!" I playfully cried, along with a series of gagging noises.

"Seriously, though." He said, sitting on my lap. "What can kill and hurt vampires?"

"Lots of things really." I responded. "It usually depends on the vampire."

"How so?"
"Well now I classify them as modern and old school vampires." I state. "I would be classified as a modern one. You know, sexy, seductive, and I'm not as easily affected as the old schoolers."

He rolled his eyes. "So what's the difference?"

"I don't have to be invited into homes, I show up in mirrors and pictures, garlic doesn't donk me up, and I'm not a rice counter."

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now