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A Room in The Abadeer House


"Bake me something." I groan.

Gumball let out a raspy laugh into my dark hair.

"Are you going to get off of me?" He giggles. He rakes his fingers in my hair that was splattered all in his neck area.

I squirm a little. "You're so comfy."

"Well, I guess I can't bake you any red velvet cake." He sighs, making me jolt up.

He laughs and gets up. He strides into the kitchen and immediately starts rummaging around. He pulls out his ingredients and tools and gets right to work.

I sprawl out on my red couch and I listen to the clatter of dishes and water being sprayed onto the dirtied items he didn't need anymore.

I could feel myself getting sleepy. My eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier. Then, I slowly closed them, and drifted off into a nap.

I awoke in darkness.

I was still in my living room, but it was, what I'm guessing to be, nighttime. My night vision wasn't working and I no longer heard the clanking sounds in the kitchen.

I sat up and scanned the room the best I could. Gumball was nowhere to be found. I called out his name. However, I got no reply. I stood. I couldn't float. It was like I never could float in the first place.

"Gumball?" I called out again.

I heard an ear piercing cry and bolted up the ladder, instead of ending up in my bedroom, I ended up in Fionna's living room.

I saw four lumps scattered across the floor, covered in a dark substance. It stained the walls, the floor, and the furniture around me.

I see Cake come into the room and she looks at me with horror in her eyes.

"I-it's not..."
"What are you doing here?"
"I-I don't know, I-"
"You're supposed to be there!" She cried, pointing to the lumps on the floor.

She kept crying out until my vision became foggy. I must've fainted.

I must've died.

I jolted awake, I heard a clash coming from the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Gumball calls out.

"Yeah." I sigh, wiping the sweat off my forehead. "You almost finished?"


I sat there. Still. Silent. Staring off into space until I felt something touch my shoulder. I jump and yelp, flinging myself onto the other side of the couch.

"Chill, man." Gumball said, a slice of cake on a plate in his hand. "You sure you're ok?"

"Just groggy, I guess." I shrug, panting.

He sets the plate on my lap and hands me a fork. I mash the slice into a chunky, pink substance.

"What are you doing?!" Gumball cried.

"Making it pink."
"It's a shade of red."
"I wanna eat all of the cake." I shrug, shoveling the mashed sweetness into my mouth.

"Are you gonna be able to digest it like that?" Gumball asked.

"I can digest anything that's red."
"Makes sense."

There was a small pause between us as I finished my cake. Gumball gets up and strolls into the kitchen. He comes back with another plate of cake.

He sits down next to me and gently starts to take small bites of the sweet.

"Oh my." He rasps, gurgling his cake.

"I'm good at baking."
I laugh out, spraying cake bits onto the coffee table.

"You're a Goofy Gumwad."
"That I never want to spit out."

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora