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A Room in the The Candy Kingdom


"Cake, do you still have Fiona's hat?"

The calico looked me up and down, standing at the door, not letting me in.

"Yeah, why, boy?"

She still didn't step aside to let me in. She just stood there grumpily.

"I... I need her hair... For an... Experiment..." I slowly said, afraid to tell her the full truth.

She eyed me suspiciously for what felt like forever. Soon, she stepped aside, gesturing me inside.

"Is this another one of your hair growing experiments? Cause you're a little late for that." She scowled, lifting up Fiona's hat from the shrine.

"N-not exactly, but I guess it could be in some ways..." I said, rubbing my freshly shaved chin.

"You just need a piece of her hair, right? Because if Fiona's dead bod can't have this hat, you can't either." She snarled, plucking a long strand of hair from the hat.

"No hat needed. Just the hair." I assured her.

"You want me to find one of her toenails while you're here?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"Do you happen to have any?" I asked, a slight grin on my face.

"Get out, you creepy gumwad!" She barked, stretching her noodle arms and shoving me out the door.

"Honestly." I grumbled, dusting myself off and safely putting Fiona's hair in a small baggy.


"Did you get her hair?"

"Yeah." I grumbled, tossing the baggy on my lab desk.

"Was she mean to you too?"

"Yeah." I grumbled again.

"How long do you think it'll take?" Marshall asked, prodding the baggy.

"A while. I have to strip the hair molecules, then do lots of cell junk no one understands, artificial insemination, growth, it's kind of a long process." I sigh, slumping into my desk chair.

"You're kidding right?"

"No, Marshall, cloning is a long and difficult process, especially for humans. It usually takes around a year." I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"A year?" He yells, slamming his fists on the desk.

"Yes, Marshall, a year." I groan, rubbing my temples now.

He groans and throws himself onto the desk. "I'm going to raid the kitchens." He sighs, getting off the desk.

"Please don't cause any trouble."

"I won't!" He calls from the hallway.


It only took a little over a week to create an artificial cell. It was easier than I thought. Probably because I'm used to performing the cloning process.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now