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A Room in The Candy Kingdom Church

Prince Gumball

It was beautiful.
It was sacred.
Just like he said.
He wore his dark colours, and I wore pastel.
Just like he said.

"It's going to be alright." He whispered in my ear as we walked down the isle.

I nod. It's all I can do.

I didn't want to do this. Not today.

Fionna didn't make it.

Everyone was devastated, especially Marshall. However, he put on a smiling face as we strode down. I tried my hardest to do the same.

"I love you." He whispered, kissing my head as we parted and stood in front of each other on the altar.

"I love you too." I whispered right before the music stopped. It wasn't the classic song that Marshall would tell about. No, this was a special song he composed himself.

The Candy Priest I created started to speak, his old voice shaking and his big book weighing him down.

I look out into the rows of seats. On my side, sat a vast majority of my subjects. The others sat up in the stands and some stood against the wall.

On Marshall's side, sat his mother. The woman that created him, abandoned him, fought with him, but eventually came to good terms with him. She held a handkerchief to her teary demon eyes and smiled. Cake sat on his side because the seats on mine were taken up.

His band mates were there looking somewhat decent. A couple of his own subjects. Not many because it's hard to find a demon interested in cooperating at a wedding. And a few of the Princes of Aaa, who looked up to him because of his coolness. Some Princes sat on my side if they could, but most of them were on his because of the seating on mine.

He notices me looking away and squeezes my hand, gaining my attention and making a goofy face. He was trying to cheer me up and make me feel better.

It did.

Because, damn, I love him. I'm marrying him.

I didn't understand why he wasn't messed up like I was. It was supposed to be the other way around! Death happens!

Why can't I shake this feeling?

"It's going to be okay." He mouthed. I nodded in return.

The priest rambled on and I stared off into space, eventually, we got to our vows.

I don't remember what we said. It was a mouthful. A gumdrop boy and girl skip up the isle with our rings. The girl holding mine on a pillow and the boy holding his.

He takes my ring off the pillow.

"With this ring..." He holds it up and drones on with his vows, boredom obvious on his pale face. I could tell he just wanted to kiss and let this all be over.

"Weddings are so boring!" He had said the night before we were split apart for good luck. "I just want to get to the food and the sexy night we're gonna have." He continued, his forked tongue sexily swiping across his upper lip.

He glides the ring above the diamond one and I do the same in a sort of dazed way. The priest says the last of his words and I immediately get pulled into Marshall. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

He's grown in the past few weeks. He's taken back his normal form. Skinny, but with slight muscles.

We kiss for what seems like forever. I wish it was. I hope it will be. I didn't want to let go. He felt warm for once and his lips were so soft and tasted of mint and cherry.

I realised at that moment that my worries didn't matter. I was bound to Marshall Lee Abadeer and he was to me. I couldn't even hear the shrieks or feel the fire burning and melting my precious candy skin.

Life is too precious for you to dwell. That's why Marshall didn't seem to care. He realised this months ago when we were lost in the snowy fields of Aaa. And I finally did too.

My hands cupped his cheek, our lips still connected. His softness was no more. His skin was cracking and turning to ash.

"Barty." He whispered against my lips.

"Marshall." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry."

"It's going to be okay." I whisper, kissing him once more.

"I love you." He whispered, his hands shakily moving up my torso.

"I love you too." I whisper back, kissing him again and again.

We collapse on the alter. His face falling apart into ash and my mine melting and sliding down.

"We're flammable." He whispered.

"We match." I whispered back.

Our broken lips meet again, merging into goo and dust. We were merged. Our bodies were fusing together. This felt so much better than our nights with out sweaty bodies squished together. We were one now. One ugly heap of nonhuman beings.

No more humans.
No more vampires.
No more gum.

"I'll find you." He whispered into our merged mouths. It was barely audible, but I knew what he was saying.

Because I loved him.

"We'll find her." I whispered, letting the fire merge and fuse us until we were just a heap of gooey gum and ashes. There was no evidence of Marshall Lee and Prince Bartleby Gumball Abadeer. Just a heap.

An ugly yet beautiful heap.

A heap of love.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon