Chapter 6

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Previously on Fate or Destiny...
  "I don't know who to choose..."
  She ran upstairs and slammed her door.
  "What does she mean by that?"
  "She um...didn't click out of the Skype call correctly so, she heard what you two said."
  We just made her cry, she knows how we feel about her, and it's my fault for making the first move. I'm so sorry Kayla...
Kayla's POV
I ran upstairs with tears running down my face. That just made this ten times harder to choose.
"*sobbing* Why don't you just choose already heart?! Make up your fudging mind!"
I continued to cry into my pillow and soon I fell asleep. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about either one of them right now. I got up and put on my PrestonPlayz hoodie and my short comfy gym shorts. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. It looked like no one was up, I checked the time. Why am I up at 3:00 in the morning! I went back upstairs but, something was different. Something was missing... No, someone was missing. I go to all the boys rooms and see who is up. Mitch, Rob, Lachlan, Jerome, and Vikk were all asleep but, Preston was no where to be found. I went back downstairs and headed to the recording rooms, and sure enough I found him. I walked in his office and he was watching my video. I could hear small sobs, he was crying. I went up to him and laid my head on top of his and put my hands on his chest. He turned in his chair and took me in his arms.
"No, I'm sorry for doing that to you. I understand if you like Vikk and not me. We promised we wouldn't fight over you and, I hope he can keep that pro-"
I kissed his lips. They were so soft and warm. So this is what a first kiss feels like...
"My heart chooses you..."
I kissed his head and walked back upstairs to my room. I could feel him behind me because he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
"Preston, I don't want to hurt Vikk's feelings by just coming out and saying "I choose Preston", please don't do it for me. I want time to think about what I'm going to say..."
"Okay, I understand. Goodnight my little Pleb."
He walked upstairs and I followed after. He went to his room and I went to mine. I laid down in my bed but, something wasn't right. Someone was missing...
"Thanks for choosing heart..."
I grabbed my phone once more and walked over to Preston's room. I quietly opened the door and closed it. I slipped into his bed and hugged him from behind. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I could feel my face get warm, good thing it was dark. He turned over and pulled me closer. This is what safe feels like. Soon enough, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Preston was gone. I could hear yelling from downstairs. It was Preston and Vikk, they said they wouldn't fight though. I grabbed my hoodie and ran downstairs. Vikk was about to hit Preston but, I got in the way. I felt no pain at first but, then it came. I blacked out...
**Before the Fight**
Preston's POV
I woke up and saw Kayla next to me. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She was still asleep so, I didn't want to wake her. I got up and grabbed a shirt. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Mitch and Jerome were up so, I wasn't the only one awake. Good, at least I'll have someone to tell about me and Kayla.
"Morning boys."
"Morning Prest."
"So, you know how I like Kayla?"
"She likes me back."
"So, her heart chose you?"
"What? How do you?"
"We talked after the Skype call..."
He took a sip of his coffee and continued to eat his cereal.
"Vikk, calm down. I didn't do anything, what are yo-"
I forgot to close the door to my room.
"Preston you slept with her?!"
"Technically, she slept with me..."
Vikk was about to throw a punch until someone jumped in front of me. They fell to the ground, I looked down and saw Kayla.
"GUYS STOP! We need to get her to the hospital!"
We stopped and I looked back down at Kayla. A pool of blood had formed. We need to hurry or we just might lose her...

Kayla's POV
I could hear someone talking but, I wasn't sure of who it was. I tried to open my eyes more but, they felt a little swollen. I don't remember what really happened. All I know is that Vikk and Preston were fighting. Did I block a hit? I moved my hand just a little and instantly someones was holding mine. It was warm and familiar.
  "So, you do like him..."
  "Not quite darling..."
  "Just give up, you'll never know who I am. Plus, do I sound like a guy?"
  "No, you don't..."
  I finally got my eyes to open and saw who I was talking to. It couldn't be...
  "Lauren? How did you find me?"
  "You're not that hard to track, and besides, I'm not really here for you. I'm just here to warn ya."
  "About what?"
  "About who you fall for. Preston won't be yours for long sweetie and, if you keep up this act, he's more likely to die than live."
  "You're lying..."
  "Why would I lie?"
  I could hear the boys voices from outside, if she leaves now they'll ask her what she was doing. If she stays, she'll get caught and then have no escape.
  "I've never believed you Lauren so, why should I now?"
  "This... I'll be leaving now."
  She set the note on my bed and went out the door. I don't think the boys really noticed because they were talking to the doctor. They all walked in shortly after, Vikk was the first one to me. His face had streak marks from his eyes to his chin.
  "Kayla, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry..."
  "Vikk, it's not your fault, and it's not Preston's fault either. I made that choice to sleep with him and, my heart chose him. I'm really sorry..."
  "Don't be, I can see why you'd like him. He's everything I'm not."
  "That's not true, you're different and he's different. I would've chosen either one of you fairly, it's just that my heart couldn't decide who. Until last night that is..."
  He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. I felt a little sad but, not as much as I was last night. Preston walked over and kissed my cheek, I hugged him back in return for that kiss.
  "Hey Kayla, what's this?"
  Vikk had grabbed the note and was just about to open it before I grabbed it.
  "Something the doctor left for me to look at..."
  I tried to play it cool when the doctor came in and told me I was fine to go home. Preston had brought me some clothes to change into, that way I don't have to wear a hospital gown home. They all left the room except for Preston, he was waiting for me to get dressed.
  "You don't have to wait you know..."
  "I know but, seeing that your my girlfriend now I just thought I'd wait."
  "Girlfriend? I don't really remember you asking me..."
  "Well, will you Kayla, kindly be my girlfriend?"
  I smiled and went to the bathroom to change. Preston as my boyfriend, I could get use to that...
Who is Lauren and what did she mean by her warning? Hmmm... I'm gonna have a whole lot of fun next chapter! XD
  Hope you guys enjoyed the story! If you did be sure to leave a vote and comment who you think Lauren is...
Stay Dark My Friends...

Careful of who you fall for, you wouldn't want anyone to die. Now would you?
xox LM

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