Chapter 23

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Vikks POV
  "We open the door..."
  "Right, Preston you ready?"
  "Yeah, let's do it..."
  I unlock the chain lock and the pounding stops. Then I get the next one, and the door handle begins to move slowly. I then back up, and Kayla gets a water force field up very quietly.
  "Hey baby..."
  Everyone's silent.
  "MISS ME?!"
  A boulder about the size of a car comes through the side of the house. Luckily, Kayla was able to put of a shield before it hit us.
  "Oh... You're not as slow as you use to be... Damnit! I thought I'd be able to kill your so called 'family' and then me and you could've had some fun..."
  I could sense some sort of heat coming from behind me. I could tell Kayla could sense it too, but didn't say anything.
  "Leave. Now. Before you regret ever coming here."
  "Ouch, that's not how you treat your master pet..."
My arm started to get warmer and warmer, eventually Kayla put a water barrier around all of us, that way we wouldn't get burned.
"How come he's the only one that's not in the ba-"
  He quickly ducked before Preston shot a fire ball.
  "Th-that's not possible... Sh-she said she took your powers away that day..."
  Arron stood and quickly fired back with a dust cloud. Before it could hit and blind him, I shot the water barrier forward. Creating a small wall of mud.
  "Preston, I need you to cut him off. He's a lot stronger than I am, but your powers can beat him. I'll stay close behind him, but far away enough that he can't hit me."
  He walked over to me and lifted his hand to my face, but before he touched my face I cooled off his hand. He smiled and laughed a bit, clearly forgetting that fire and water doesn't mix. He connected our lips and then started walking towards Arron.
  "If you hurt ANY of my friends... You're gonna get burned..."
PUN INTENDED! Also, so so so sorry that it's been like what... A few months... Heh heh... I've just been super busy this summer and since school is starting. I won't be doing any RP, because I'll be pretty busy. Anyways, I have a Discord now and anyone who wants to join just ask and I'll leave the code in the chat. Also, after the month of October I'll be starting up my YouTube channel, so leave some suggestions on what you guys would like to see on my channel and I just might do them! <3

  ~You're all my Lovely Senpais❤️
   YandereChan Out!✌️

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