Chapter 17

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Previously on A Tall Tail...
"I watched her die though..."
  "She faked it, that way she could escape what was going on."
  "Kayla, what else did you see?"
  "Heh're probably not going to believe this but, Preston has fire powers."
Preston's POV
  "I have fire powers?"
  "Yes and we need you to learn to use them. I have a feeling that my 'parents' will come back and we need to be ready."
  "That's impossible, I don't have powers."
  "Preston please... What I saw wasn't a dream... It was a memory..."
  "You remembered your childhood?"
  "That's not possible, we blocked that off so that we could protect you. The only way to open it would be if you had...if you had transformed into a Mermaid."
  "Hey guys, sorry to break up the reunion but, should I tell them that we won't be able to join the UHC?"
  "No, you guys go and play. We deserve to relax for little bit."
  "Okay, let's go boys."

Kayla's POV
  All the boys gave me a hug before they left. It was nice, not having seven boys hug me but, the memories. I mean it was nice to have them hug me because I now they were only trying to comfort me.
  "*sigh* Lets go work on that spawn but, maybe a flat worlds better to work on."
I got up and went to my recording room. I cleaned up all the glass and started my computer. While I was waiting for it to turn on, I looked at all of the boys recording rooms. Each one of them put on a fake smile just for their fans. They have to get through the pain to show that their alright. I loaded up Minecraft and twitch. Before I started anything, I made sure all of my settings were correct. I shut my door and flipped on the recording button. I grabbed my Star Wars blanket that was behind me and started up Twitch.
*StarLovers63 OMG! I have never clicked on a notification so fast before! Hi Kayla!*
*Bacon4 Sup Kayla!*
"Hello everyone! As you can see, we're going to be playing so Minecraft first and then maybe some OverWatch later. If we get to it."
*DangDaniel You have OverWatch! Lucky!*
*^•-•^ OverWatch is best game!*
"I'm glad everyone likes OverWatch or T least knows what it is. So, without further to do let's get started."
And the long awaited chapter is here! Yay! I relived what you guys were doing, going back and staring every chapter just to get my attention. I knew what you wanted, it was just I needed time to write it. Anyways, there's a new Update schedule for this book, it will update every Wednesday. Today, I'll let it pass.
~Bye my Lovely Senpais <3

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