Chapter 18

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Previously on A Tall Tail...
  "Hello everyone! As you can see, we're going to be playing so Minecraft first and then maybe some OverWatch later. If we get to it."
  *DangDaniel You have OverWatch! Lucky!*
  *^•-•^ OverWatch is best game!*
  "I'm glad everyone likes OverWatch or at least knows what it is. So, without further to do let's get started."
*Darkest_Night19 just went live!*
"Hm? Perfect..."
*Ring, Ring*
"She's streaming so, here's what I want you to do."

Preston's POV
"Alrighty we've already got some iron going and in and few minutes we'll be getting our partner. Right now I'm in a call with Robert because, why not?!"
"What are the odds that we'll be put together?"
"My dear good sir, even though that has happened before, there are very slim chances."
"Heads up, teams have been chosen and its..."
"Haha! I was right! I got Lachlan and you have the Vikk!"
  "Well, I guess this is goodbye Robster, see you in battle..."
  I exited the call and got in a call with Vikk. We quickly found each other and suited up. Since, it's UHC, this whole thing will be recorded in one session but, will be split up into parts. Thirty minutes for each episode.
"So how's your day?"
"It's pretty good so far, Simon and the boys said they might come down for a little while to spend some time with the sis."
"Really? That's so cool! She'll love that!"
  "I thought so. Hey, what kinda gear are we going for?"
  "Obviously all Dimond but, iron and Dimond at the most."
  "You know it!"
  "Alright, let's get going then!"
Yay! Chapter! :3
I suck at updating...
~Bye my Lovely Senpais

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