Chapter 9

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  Previously on Fate or Destiny... 
"So, what was it that you wanted to tell us?"
  "Well, me and Kayla are related."
  They all just stared until Vikk pulled out the letter.
  "To our little girl Kayla..."
  I cut in before he got to the other parts.
  "Vikk's my brother, I'm his sister. Turns out my parents are alive and they're mermaids to."
  I was on the verge of tears and having a breakdown in the middle of the living room. Before I did, I walked off towards the recording rooms. I went into my room and slammed the door. I pulled up Minecraft and twitch, I think I'm just going to do a stream to calm down.
Preston's POV (Didn't see this coming, did you?)
"I'm gonna go check on her..."
"Prest, just give her some time to process this all and calm down. I would be the same way if it were me."
"It's not you though so, how do you know she doesn't need comfort?"
"Preston, please calm down. She's had a rough night, give her a day to relax."
  "No! She is my girlfriend and I'm suppose to help her!"
  "Preston stop! Let her calm down!"
  *Knock, Knock*
  We all turned towards the door, unaware of who it was. Mitch went to open the door and to my surprise it was Lauren. My ex...

Kayla's POV
  "Hello my Children of the night and welcome to a very calm, stream. Today, I'm just going to be building a spawn area for a new series that's coming up!"
  The chat was blowing up with comments and questions. It was unbelievable! It brought a smile to my face to see all of these people here just to watch me. I looked through the comments to see if there were any interesting questions and I found quite a few.
  "So, let's hop right into a new world and see what we have to work with!"
  I clicked create and got a pretty good spawn. I cleared out a whole bunch of land and answered some questions so that it wasn't boring.
  "Yes Star_CrossLover34, me and Preston are dating!"
  *LM just subscribed to you*
  I froze, not knowing what to say or think. Comments started rolling with, did she freeze? Are you okay? This is boring.
  "Sorry guys, I'm just, I'm not my self today. Sorry about that."
  I got back to building and answering some questions when LM asked me something.
  "What are you talking about LM? The boys are in the living room watching the game. They're fi-"
  I looked over and saw Preston kissing another girl. Tears began to fill my eyes and I quickly ended the stream before anyone said anything.
  "Sorry guys, I'm going to have to cut this short. Stay Dark My Friends..."
  I ended it and walked out. Pulling the girl off of him and to my surprise, it was Lauren.
"What do you mean? I was kissing MY boyfriend!"
"You're boyfriend?! BWHA! I'm his girlfriend, thank you very much."
"Not for very much longer you ain't..."
That voice... No, it couldn't be. Could it? I turned around slowly and then froze. They look like me but, they're not me...
"Hello Kayla, you may not remember us. We're your parents..."
"You're lying..."
I didn't want to say anything, afraid of Preston's safety and the others. So, I did what I knew how to do. Use my secret to my advantage. I could hear a water bottle behind their back and knew what I had to do. If they get wet they change, that's how I'll know it's them. Just, how can I get them wet without me getting wet.
"Come Kayla, join us and the boys will be left alone."
"What about Preston?"
"He'll be with his girlfriend."
"Not you, her."
He pointed and my heart stopped. Preston was going to be with some crazy psychopath girlfriend, while I'm living in the ocean?! Not happening...
"I won't go with you."
I felt a hand slip past my head but before I knew what was happening. I had a water in my hand and three knocked out people next to me. What in the name of Irene just happened?

Preston's POV
First, I find out my girlfriend is a mermaid. Second, her brother is Vikk. Third, she's a freaking ninja! Best girlfriend I've had so far. I slowly went to Kayla to make sure she was alright.
  She looked at me and I could tell she was scared. I came up next to her and kissed her cheek. She flinched...
  "Are you okay?"
  "I-I don't know what came over me..."
  She was going to break down. I picked her up bridal style and told the boys to call the cops. I laid her on the couch and she just stared at me.
  "Preston, what happened?"
  "I-I'm not really sure. One second Lauren is rapping my mouth and the next she's knocked out cold on the ground."
  "Kayla...Are you okay?"
  She didn't speak. Vikk came over and grabbed her hand. Her turned it slightly and a blue mark showed up on her wrist.
  "Feel better?"
  "How did you know that would work Vikk?"
  "When you only know your little sister for a short time, you can learn a lot..."
He let go of her hand and her crying stopped. She's even beautiful when she's upset...

Kayla's POV
No wonder why Vikk's touch was so familiar. He use to do that to put me to sleep all the time. Now, it's just comforting. My crying had finally stopped when the cops showed up. They had asked what happened and of course we had to report an incident but, nothing to bad. My 'wanna be parents' were pulled away unconscious. Lauren was awake and she was fighting them, they had already tazzed her once. As they pulled her out the door, she said something that left me heart broken.
"He won't be yours for long... She's coming..."
Everything else she said was just a bunch of screams and creepy laughter. Preston won't be mine for long, she's coming...
So, who is LM? When will we see her full potential? Maybe next chapter? Maybe not ever? *evil grin* You'll just have to wait and see...
Stay Dark My Friends...

Watch out... That won't be the last time you see her...
xox LM

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