<3 later that night <3

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<3 later that night <3


"I love you too, My Prey~"

(To be continue)

France: honhonhon~

Emi: *fangirls*

Okami: *chuckles*

Me: Welp that was a awesome ending!


{(Y/n) P.O.V)}

-night time that same day-

I woke up and notice i was in a bed with black sheets and red covers and pillows. And Rin was no where around I started thinking he had left but that wouldn't of made sense. Because this was his house-I can tell because Rin's sent is on the blanket-.

I sat up slowly because my hips were hurting like hell. I looked around and noticed the hall light was on. So I went to find something to put on and found one of Rin's shirts and some boxers and put them on.

I walked to the door slowly because of my hips hurting. I opened it and walked out and closed after I was in the hall. I started to smell some food that made my stomach growl. I walked down stairs and then toward the kitchen. I walked in and see Rin cooking with no shirt in.

I almost have a nosebleed. But I just walk up behind Rin and hug him gently around the chest. I hear him chuckle softly turn around towards me and look down at me. He said, "You look sexy, M/N~"

I smiled up at him. I then got on my tipietoes and kisses his nose, and gave him a closed eye smile. When I opened my eyes i saw Rin's face was red. I said, "And Rin you look adorable when you blush." I smiled again with a slight giggle

Rin covered his mouth a said, "Why do have be so cute?" After that he picked me up and turned off the stove. I looked at him with a confused look and he looked me and whispered in my ear, "Mind if I feed off you a bit my prey~"

I blushed and nodded. He then sat me on the counter away from the stove, and move the collar of the shirt I had on revealing my neck. Rin then licked my neck to where my sweet spot is causing me to moan. I felt him smirk against my skin and open his mouth. His teeth grazed my skin making me gasp. He then bit down and drunk a little of my blood at a time.

When Rin pulled away I was a panting mess and Rin licked his lips. His eye darken telling me that I'm not sleeping tonight...

(To be continued...)

Me: *chuckles evilly*

Francis: scary! *hides in corner*

Me: hey France did you hear that I'm inviting a new author

France: no

Me: well I am

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