Chapter 26:someone help

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I look at Jade like she's lost her mind...wait no there's no like she has lost it. I know she's stressed but this is just insane.
"Jade,"I say calmly pulling her into a hug,"we can not kill anyone,"
She grows tense in my arms before relaxing.
"I know,"she mumbles softly.
I rub her back as Tyler rubs at Max's and let out a sigh.
"Max your going to the police,"Tyler finally says.
"I can't they will take me away,"she says nervously,"and I don't think I can tell them....about it,"
"We will all be there with you and I'll talk to my dad maybe he can work something out for you and Mason,"I say softly.
"Fine,"max says getting up and crossing her arms,"but I don't want Martha to get in trouble she didn't know,"
"I'm sure we can work something out,"I say texting my dad,"my dads going to come pick us up and take us to the station,"
Everyone nods and I start digging through jades closet for a pair of jeans and a tee so I don't have to go out in basketball shorts. I change and help max find something she will be comfortable in and then we head downstairs. Jade walks over and tries to explain a few things to her mom but I notice she leaves out the name. My dad pulls up and I'm thankful he's brought moms car instead of his police car.
"Okay tell me where you live again Max, I'll get your foster brother and explain to your foster mother that she needs to come down to the station, I've already gotten ahold of your social worker,"my dad says softly.
After the directions we get to Max's my dad goes in , Mason comes out leaning on my dad.
"He looks worse then when I left,"max says as tears start to fall,"Chester must have been upset I left,"
"It's not your fault,"Jade says from the very back of the Tahoe. Max nods from the middle row then turns and looks back at her as I slip an arm around my girlfriends shoulders.
"Fine I'll say it wasn't my fault if you'll say none of this was yours,"max says confidently. I'm actually shocked at how strong she sounds.
"I can't max,"Jade says softly,"I could have prevented this,"
"No you couldn't Jade it was the way things had to happen,"max says balling her hands into fists,"things happen in this world and they all happen for a reason!"
"Fine!"Jade says as she starts to cry,"it wasn't my fault,"
I pull Jade close to me as dad and Mason get into the car.
"I've already called everyone we are meeting at the hospital, the two of you need looked at,"my dad says. No one disagrees and we set off again.
Tyler, Jade, and I have to wait out front as Max and Mason go back with their social workers. About an hour later a doctor comes out and Tyler is allowed to go back and sit with max. They've moved the foster siblings into a room together after they begged but we still weren't allowed back yet.
Finally my dad comes out and sits in between Jade pulling me into a hug and putting an arm around Jade which causes her to stiffen for a moment.
"Max is as good as can be expected, she has a broken rib and her shoulder actually out of place but they've already set everything she will be in a slog for a while but she'll be okay. The bastard at least used a condom so she is lucky on that front and the cloths you saved had traces of dna on them so once the lab is done we can match it to him and send him to jail."dad says kissing the top of my head,"Mason is a little worse....his arm was broken and so are a few knuckles on one of his hands, he also has three broken ribs, nothing was punctured though so he will be okay. They are both pretty bruised up and will need to take it easy but they should be okay....there's a psychiatrist on the way to speak with them both and then we can see how they really are,"
I hug my dad tightly, I'm so glad to have him.
"After that you should be able to see them,"he says standing up,"I have to get to the station and get the paperwork started so we can go after this Chester person...your mom will be here soon after you speak with max I'd like for you both to go home and get some rest,"
"Sure dad,"I say softly scooting close to Jade again.
"Jade can stay at our house or you can go to hers as long as there's a parent there...I would prefer to have you both at ours though until we can get this guy behind bars,"
"Okay dad I'll text you and let you know what's going on,"I say as Jade rests her head on me.
My dad nods and heads off leaving me to try and figure out what my girlfriend is thinking.
"Jade,"I say softly.
"Mmm,"she mumbles not moving, I glance over and see her eyes are closed.
"Never Mind we can talk about it later go ahead and rest,"I say gently as I carefully out and arm around her and hold her tightly. I use my free hand to text everyone to let them know we are all okay and that max is at the hospital and I will update them once I know what's going on. I leave out a lot of the details though not wanting to put Max's business out there even if it is to our friends. She can tell them all what she wants later. I kiss the top of jades head and smile as she lets out a little sigh.

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