Chapter 28- live life

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When the alarm goes off I open my eyes quickly and notice that Jades not laying against me. I look around at our friends as they start to stir and smile. It's amazing that we are all so close and it's great Max now has such a good support system. Everyone else started getting ready but I decided to go and find my girlfriend. I knew she was probably almost as nervous as Max and would need me to help ground her. She's been doing great lately though between therapy and taking to me I think she's making progress. I know we have a long journey ahead of us and Jade will always have issues but I'm hoping that they will be less and she will finally be able to truly be happy. I know our friend has the same road laid out for her and i pray every night that she will stop having the nightmares and be able to cope with what happened to her.
My mom told me yesterday she was worried about me, that I needed to take time for me and make sure I was okay with everything but I'm least I feel fine....aside from the out in my stomach but that's only there because of my worry for Jade and I can tell it's slowly going away. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I walk out and see Jade asleep with Max's foster sister Chloe curled up on her lap, also asleep.
I pull my phone out and snap a few pictures before going and waking them both up gently. I'd noticed Max's foster mother in the kitchen making pancakes so it was easy to get the little girl to run off.
"Jade come on babe,"I said gently kissing her.
"Mmm give more minutes,"she moaned and I laughed.
"Marty knock it off their all just waking up,"I heard the woman say laughing.
Jade was smiling when I looked back to her and she allowed me to pull her from the rocking chair
"We better go I don't want Kate after my ass,"Jade said laughing,"your the only girl I want after this,"
She smacked her ass when she said the last part and I couldn't help but laugh as we headed into the large dinning room.
The house was huge and the dinning room easily held the two adult, two young children, and ten teenagers.
I recalled Max saying that Kate had wanted at least 7 children but had been unable to have any so she and her husband had decided to become foster parents since they had such a huge house and so much love to give.
We were the last to the table but no one had started eating yet. We sat across from max and Tyler and waited for Marty to say grace. Jade was normally annoyed by this kind of thing but after max told us Marty and Kate didn't really follow religion the old fashioned way shed gotten over it. we were all happy to learn that they were okay with max being a lesbian which was better then her own parents.
"God, we thank you for bringing us all together today, we also thank you for bringing max and Mason into our lives as well as all their living friends and their partners. We pray that they will be a part of our family from now on and that you will watch over them as they heal from their physical  and mental wounds. We pray that the court hearing goes okay today and that they are able to live happy lives from now on. Amen," Marty said all this with a smile on his face and it made me laugh. He really seemed like a good person and I was happy for Max and Mason.
We all said amen even Jade which surprised me, we all started eating which turned out to be pretty funny with the younger girls there.
After breakfast I climbed into Jades car with Max and Tyler. Max's foster parents were coming but they had to wait on Sam their babysitter to get there.
Once we reached the large court house I could see max getting nervous but Tyler was good about holding onto her and talking her down. It wasn't until Jade's grip on my hand started to hurt that I noticed how scared she was. She hadn't seen Chester since he killed her sister and it was clearly taking a toll on her. I put my arm around her and held her close as we walked inside. I wasn't surprised to see my parents sitting there but I was shocked to see jades mother and father.....and they were both siting together. I pointed them out to Jade but she didn't really pay attention her focus was on the man sitting at the table in the front of the room. We all took our seats directly behind the table Max and Mason were going to sit at. Jade clung to me and i couldn't help but feel bad at the scared look in her eyes.
I kissed the top of her head before whispering in her ear.
"He's going to jail, he can't hurt anyone again," I say softly.
She turns and looks at me with tears in her eyes.
"But he's already hurt people Tori how is him going away now going to help,"
I let out a sigh. I'm normally so good at helping people but who do you deal with this....I try and think how I would feel if it had been Trina but even then I can't know how Jade is feeling because mine is just pretend I can look over and see my sister is fine.
"I honestly don't know Jade,"I say hugging her close,"the only thing you can do is to live your life in a way that would make your sister happy,"
"I'm trying to,"she said softly as the judge came out,"having you makes it easy to be happy,"
I couldn't help but smile at her before turning my attention to my friends as the lawyers started talking.

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