2| Beach Please

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I was flipping through the channels. There was nothing interesting on during the afternoon. What am I supposed to watch during Spring Break? Suddenly, my phone vibrated, "hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Shawn," he greeted. How did he even get my number? I felt like this was a prank.

"Oh hey," I muted the television.

"You missed the pizza yesterday," he said.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling well," I lied.

"That sucks, hope you're feeling better though."


"I asked Rebecca for your number because I wanted to invite you to this party at the beach today," he paused. "So are you up for it? Unless you're still sick, I'll understand." My brain couldn't process what he was saying. I never liked impromptu plans; I always needed a weeks-notice to be able to think of the pros and cons.

"Is Rebecca going?" I asked I don't want to be alone with Shawn.

"Yeah, most of the town will be there. There's always a beach party at the beginning and end of Spring Break."

"What time does it start?"

"At 6 pm today, it ends at around midnight," he explained. I didn't have a curfew because I don't even go out, but I know I couldn't stay until 12.

"I'll be there."

"Great, see you then Stella."

"Bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

I never had a boyfriend, but I knew having his number will lead to late night texts and phone calls. This wasn't one of my dreams where Shawn was slow dancing in a caveman costume with me. Maybe this was the end of all the never-been-kissed jokes; maybe this guy could be my first boyfriend.

Suddenly, the door rang. I opened it, seeing Rebecca smile widely. "You heard?" I asked.

"He asked me yesterday if he should ask you. I was all like, yeah she loves to party especially with guys who play soccer," she explained as she skipped to the couch.

"You did not say that you can't just feed him a half-lie." I glared at her.

"Well if you were an optimist, you would see it as a half-truth."

"Well if you knew me more you wouldn't have said that," I said.

"Are you mad?" She asked. 

"Don't lie to anyone about me, I want people to see me for who I am, not for who other people depict me as."

"It won't happen again," she promised. "So what are you wearing?"

"The usual, a t-shirt and skinny jeans."

"We're going to a beach," she said.

"Fine, I'll wear a tank top and capris."

"Aren't you swimming?"

"No," I said. If the majority of teenagers from our town are going, I am not going to strip down in swimwear in front of people I barely know.

"As I said before, we're going to a beach and Shawn would most likely want to swim with his date."

"You aren't swimming."

"Stella, I can't swim," Rebecca explained. I knew she couldn't swim, but I don't want to be alone with Shawn.

"Then we can both make sandcastles."

"I will honestly throw out your pail and shovel," she threatened.

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