19| Not My Scene

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Everyone was having fun. The boys were jumping off the yacht into the water below. Audrey, Natalia and some random guy were talking a few feet away from me. They tried to include me, but it felt so unnatural. Owen brought me into his world and expected me to adapt. I was with his closest friends and family. It was awkward. 

As usual, I was the outcast. They were all nice and welcoming, but I'm not the type of person to initiate a conversation. Out of all the people on this yacht, the least expected person approached me. He looked different from his sister; where her hair was a light brown his hair was almost caramel coloured. Either way, they were both gifted with good looks.

"What are you doing by yourself?" Trevor asked as he shook his head to dry his hair.

"What are you doing here with me?" I asked. He just let out a small laugh and looked to the side.

"I know how it feels to be alone, your turn to answer."

I looked ahead where Owen and Curtis were acting like kids, pushing each other off the ledge into the water.

"This isn't my kind of scene," I answered. I'm usually seen playing on the field or hidden behind a book. I hate socializing. I hate opening up to people, but I oddly didn't hate his company.

"Aren't you the killer soccer player that plays for Bayview?" He asked.

"Can't be seen with the rival?" I joked.

"The rival is getting tedious and more stupid each day," he rolled his eyes as he tilted a can of soda into his mouth.

"Who's that guy?" I gestured to the buff blond talking to Natalia and Audrey. "I didn't see him in the van at the bowling alley."

"Hell if I know," his eyes lingered a bit before taking another sip. His voice was laced with jealousy, and his eyes were filled with envy for the blond that was now making Natalia bend forward in laughter.

I nudged him with my elbow, "you like her don't you?"

He laughed loudly causing the trio to look over, "I know you're new here, but I clearly don't. Remember that in the future because it truly pains me to talk about Natalia for more than ten seconds."

Audrey approached us, sitting beside Trevor. "Now brother, behave. Don't bother Stella." She wrapped an arm around Trevor and leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Shouldn't you be with Cocktis?" Trevor asked which caused Audrey to stifle in a laugh.

"I heard that Little Morrison," Curtis yelled from the side of the yacht. He and Owen were still diving and doing flips into the water.

"Stella why don't you come join us or at least let me accompany you instead of this dishrag I occasionally call my brother." She pulled away from Trevor, making eye contact with me. She was reaching out, and all I had to do was metaphorically take out the hand she was extending. Whether Owen asked Audrey to befriend me or not, I simply cannot deny the pleasure of getting to know a girl like her. It would be a shame to pass up an opportunity for friendship.

But before I could answer a dripping Owen and Curtis approached us. "We got tired of pushing each other," Owen said.

"We need a new victim!" Curtis exclaimed.

"Take her she's annoying, and I think you can both agree on that," Trevor immediately pointed at Audrey.

"Fine with us, as long as someone gets damned today," Curtis said as he looked as Owen for approval, who shrugged his shoulders. Owen grabbed Audrey's legs as Curtis hooked his arms underneath her armpits.

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