Chapter 6

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Sarah's p.o.v.

I was soon being followed by all the guys so I headed straight to the limo. We were taken straight to the restaurant where we met zane and his family Lilly and Xander ran over to me pulling me into a giant hug after they had finished hugging me which was cut short by Zane yelling at them to be careful with my ribs I walked over to Tanya who also grabbed me and squished me in a hug.  

"Hello darling how are you holding up?" She smiled sadly as she spoke I gave her a week smile.  

"Fine I guess but I have a big surprise for you and I'm sure you will love it." I told her.  

"Ok hun but if you ever need me I'm always here." She said sounding like my mum.

"Same for you no matter how big or small I will be there, now let's go I'm hungry." Everyone laughed at that but I was just confused at why me being hungry was funny.

We entered the restaurant and were taken to the best table straight away well I did own the place! I got my check book out and then started on the good news for the kids.  

"Lilly Xander do you to have I pads or I phones or macs?" I asked innocently.

"No aunt Sarah" They replied in unison I laughed.

"Stop going on twin mode and you do now."  

"Thank you" They screamed at me.

"Ok, now Tanya am I right in thinking you have always wanted a Bentley?"  

"Sarah tell me you didn't?" She asked shocked.

"Can't do that because if I did I'd be lying."I then threw her the keys  

"Thank you" She whispered smiling at the keys 

"Ok it is already at your house and pimped out with navigation and bullet proof windows and body work and the best bit is that it goes up to 200 mph" I smiled at the remembering how hard I worked on the car. "Zane well I have a huge surprise for you" I lifted up my check book to the table and wrote a million pounds out to him when he got it he went from shocked to annoyed.  

"Sarah you have to stop doing this" He scolded.

"Well if I don't give it you who else is going to spend it? Oh and your wage has gone up by 10%" I smiled at the thought of how much I will pay him an hour now.  

"Sarah that's one hundred thousand every 2 months now you have to stop!" He scolded.

"NEVER!" I replied playfully. "Now cheer up. Jake and Ash how would you like a new guitar of your choice and every thing else you need?" They smiled brightly.  

"Thank you." Theyboth said  

"Cc new drums for you?" 

"Ok fine by me" He laughed.

"Jinxx how would you like sammi to stay with us until it is safe?"  

"She's here?" He asked all excited.  

"No but don't fret she will be soon you see I spoke to her this afternoon and she was going through wedding plans which costs are taken care of" I turned and smiled. " Talk of the devil and she shall come" I got up and gave her a hug only to have her snatched of me by Jinxx making me laugh. 

"Andy Andy Andy you were the hardest you really were so I was thinking hard and have been struggling with what to get you so I thought I would ask so what do you want?"   

"For us all to be safe and well and to spend time with my family." He said happily.

"Well I knew you would say something rubbish like that so I have bought you your own personal studio."  

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