Chapter 18

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Sarah's p.o.v

I hate using room 16 but I had to. I needed to find out why there is an American secret service agent spying on me.

I entered the room and saw 'Garry' handcuffed to the chair smiling. Siting across from him, I was the first to speak.

"Now care to explain to my why you are a secret agent who is spying on me."

"Why the hell was I dragged out of bed at 3 in the morning!" he retorted.

"Well maybe because your a fucking spy!" I pulled out a file with who he really was, his face paled instantly.

"You've got it all wrong" He stuttered.

"Liar!" I screamed.

"You have" his voice was soft, after smacking his face I continued.

"Tell me then."

"They want you." He mumbled.

"Just tell me straight who wants me and why."

"Ok. They took us, telling us there plan and saying they would kill us if we didn't take part." Gr looked like he was crying.

"Ryan" He nodded.

"He was the first to refuse and they didn't take no for an answer. After they tortured him; trying to get him to beg for death but he wouldn't. After two more days they killed him." I heard him sniffle "They threatened my family I had to do it. I'm sorry." he started crying hard I groaned.

"Right have they let your family go?" I asked.

"This morning they knew you were gonna kill me so they thought that would be enough torture knowing that I died a painful death." His body was shaking with sobs.

"Well whoever you work for has totally no idea who they are dealing with. Your gonna help me then I'm gonna help you and your family, deal." He nodded.

"Ok I need to know where they kept you, the floor plan and who they are tell me this and you and your family will never be in any danger again."

After he had told me anything I set to work on making sure he was safe.

I walked into my computer room and started to hack into the pentagon. Firewall after firewall I finally succeeded. Well come on I did help my dad write the encryption codes.

I connected a computer link to a old friend of mine.

"Gibbs!" I squealed.

"Sarah what can I do for you?" Gibbs asked.

"Hey I might not want anything!"I exclaimed offended.

"If you didn't want anything then why did you hack into what is meant to be the most secure computer in the world instead of just calling."

"Well I needed to draw attention to myself. Listen I need you to bring a team and a body bag here make sure you don't like the agents and you come in a different car and bring your best team and come as quickly as you can." He nodded and I cut the line.

"Simon!" He ran in.

"Were all set and do you know a agent call Gibbs?"  He smiled "Good because he is bringing his team with him." His smile dropped. "What's the matter?"

"I owe agent dinozzo money." He groaned

"How much?"

"Ten grand" He mumbled I just grabbed his jacked and dragged him to my safe room. Picking up twenty grand I gave it him.

"No I can't take it"

"Look I dont think I'm gonna live to the end of the month spend it in the kids of something but use it wisely." He nodded solemnly.

I heard the door bell ring. Walking into the hall I was Gibbs with a gun to Andy's head I screamed.

"No Gibbs that's my brother" he lowered the gun and Andy ran to my side I pulled him in for a hug.

"Let me introduce everyone. Everyone this is and as I'm sure you've guessed" They all nodded. "Right that's special agent Gibbs that's agent dinozzo that's Todd and finally that mcgeek." Gibbs smiled at me.

"Nice to see you" Mcgeek smiled.


Short yeah but my life I'd shit at the min. Dont know when I'll upload

Autumn out

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