Chapter 10

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Andy's p.o.v

We walked into the house to be greeted by complete and utter silence.

"Andy do you think she will be all right?" Fallon asked

"I hope so I really do." Was all I could manage to say.

I slowly walked up the stairs towards her room where I could here a scratching sound i opened her door and she was know where in sight but the noise was still there and walked towards her bathroom where I found Sarah on the floor scrubbing at the dried up blood on the floor I sighed inwardly at how stupid she was being.

"Go to bed." I told her.

"Not a chance." Was her instant reply.

"Why can't you just listen for once?" I asked honestly curious.

"Because if I did everything I was told I would be bored out of my mind. Don't you have a tour coming up soon?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah at the end of this week but we are cancelling it because me and the guys have agreed you need us more." I said with a sheepish smile knowing she would flip.

"NOT A FUCKING CHANCE! CHRISTIAN COMA, JAKE PITTS, JEREMY FERGUSON, ASHLEY PURDY GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" She screamed at the top of her voice I heard the guys scramble up the stairs as quick as they could,seconds later they burst through the door to a very angry Sarah. Poor us!

Sarah's p.o.v

How could they even think about that? Never have they let down there fans and just because I'm a bit mentally unstable isn't a reason that they can not go. I am going to be so angry if they don't change there minds!

"NOT A FUCKING CHANCE! CHRISTIAN COMA, JAKE PITTS, JEREMY FERGUSON, ASHLEY PURDY GET HERE RIGHT NOW!"I yelled they burst through the door a couple of seconds later all panting for breath. I counted to ten trying to calm my self down before I spoke.

"Now what is this I hear about cancelling tour?" By the look on their faces it didn't work.

"We nnneed to bbbe here for you." Jake stuttered.

"Now listen to me you are going even if I have to drag you there my self! So get packing what you have and give me a list if what you need." I nearly yelled.

"Hey that isn't half a bad idea!" Ashley exclaimed.

"What are you going on about?" Jake asked looking very confused.

"Well if we have to go and we won't leave without her then sarah will just have to come!" He said with a big smile.

"No disrespect guys but I'm not staying in a tour bus with 5 smelly hormonal guys for six weeks!" I yelled.

"We're no that bad!" cc said sounded offended.

"What about school?" I asked.

"Hahaha you didn't go to school and never have you got you gcse at the age of 9!" Fallon laughed.

"Oh and I'm supposed to love you!" I laughed. This seemedto sober him.

"Look I'm not trailing around after you its not cool!"

"Yeah but you are my little sister." Andy added.

"I don't give a shit I'm not going!" I yelled.

"Wait if you don't want to go with us then go with your own band!" cc smiled I laughed.

"You have obviously never heard me sing "I said through laughs.

"I have and it is beautiful." Fallon told me.

"So why when I sing people never look happy when I stop?!"

"Just sing and we can see what were working with!" jinxx shouted.


These words are burning inside of me spent years in liquid harmony this dream Is who I wanna be ( youth and whiskey!)

I grew up from those who hated me Stand fast for a razor blade symphony cigarettes and lyrics made me ( youth and whiskey!)"

They all looked at me with funny looks on their faces it was Ashley who broke the silence.

"This is so not fair! How can she be better at our song then us?!"He exclaimed.

"Where have you been all our life? Andy your out your sister sings better than you!" cc joked.

"Very funny guys I told you I am a horrible singer" I laughed to which they looked at me as if i was stupid.

"Right guys we have to get her a band sorted and you have to get writing so go."

4 hours later

"There here!" Andy shouted from downstairs I slowly walked down the stairs to e greeted by my new ban mates. There were 5 of them.

First there was Lauren she was a small girl who has black hair and purple streaks. Blues eyes, perfect skin.

Next was kara. She was about 4"9 with bleach blonde hair (black when I've finished with her). Her eyes are Hazel and she is plump.

Li was a medium height girl with black hair chocolate eyes and she seemed quite shy.

Nathan was next he had pink eyes and White hair (Yet again not when I've finished with it.) He was quite tall and a player.

Last but not least was Luke. He was well built an had chocolate brown curly hair. He had dark blue eyes.

This is what they played

Lauren- flute, bass guitar and backing vocals.

Kara- bass guitar

Li- lead guitar.

Nathan- drums.

Luke- keyboard and backing vocals.

We are called satan's revenge.

Over the past 4 hours I had wrote 12 songs:



Saving you


Sweet life


Dooms day



New life



We had bought a tour bus had a driver. The place in the line up was sorted and now all we could do was wait until morning to get not the road not including lots of practice.

Black veil brides are in my basementOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant