Chapter 17

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Fallon p.o.v

I slowly walked to the computer room thinking about what she had just said to me knowing that soon enough this whole thing will be over and one of us will be dead yes thats right I'm on about Sarah and me. Personally I hope it happens to me as she has a family to look after and what do live for? As I know her heart really lies with that gothic clown errrm what's his name? Ah! That's it cc. Yet she might not no it yet she will love him in the end weather she likes it or not but that thought made my heart shatter more than anyone can ever imagine. Knowing that she doesn't really love me makes me think do I really want to die for someone who doesn't love me? Well we shall find out when the final event occurs.

Sarah's p.o.v

I typed sgt Evans into the data base from the American secret service and waited for the result that popes up.

NAME; Ryan Tyson Evans

HEIGHT; 5ft 11"

WEIGHT; 125 pounds


SPECIALITY; Methods of escape, evasion, hiding and perfect aim.

There was picture below of a tall looking man with black hair he had light green eyes that contrasted with his rosy red lips. He looked to be around the age of 25. I paused before typing in the other name.

NAME; Simon Jack Jones

HEIGHT; 6ft 2"

WEIGHT; 169 pounds


SPECIALITY; hacking, perfect shot and communicator.

Again at the bottom there was a small picture but this one surprised me it was of Garry my door man. I stopes and thought, Garry being on the other team would make sense I suppose I mean how did Vlade get in without help? I mean my security was meant to be tighter than Jake! So what shall I do about this? But the most interesting part was that underneath both of their profiles was the still in action logo. So what is going on here?


"Ah Zane finally. Now we have a situation." I grimaced at the thought of waking him up as it is 2 in the morning. This made me instantly feel guilty.

"Hmmm?" He mumbled obviously telling me I had woke him from his slumber, this made me feel even worse.

"Don't worry I'll call you in the morning and sorry I didn't realise how late it was. Night" I said guiltily.

"Nah I'm up now what's the problem?" His voice was husky.

"Well let me start from the beginning. After the interview I sorta kicked out Li from the band but i needed someone to replace her so I went looking online for one when a girl called Shaden popped up and I thought she would be perfect to I called her" I grimaced at the thought.

"I already don't like this Sarah." He sounded worried.

"Me either but hey. So after arranging a time to pick her up I took my bike. After arriving nothing seemed to be wrong with her house so I knocked on the door some middle age woman told me I was arrested for murder of two men. They are sgt. Evans and Jones of the American secret service team cobra. After I escaped and managed to get home I looked them up and this really surprised me was that or door man Garry is not who he may seem. His real name is Simon jack jones. Yet since we've ha him tree has been a breach in security so can you go get him at around 6 and bring him to room 16 just of the basement please?" I heard him gasp at that statement as that was the most feared room of the whole house.

"I can do, see you in the morning" His voice was laced with fear.

"Night sleep well." I put the phone down and headed towards Andy's room.

I slipped myself under his covers and snuggled up to his warm chest bring careful of his broken ribs he got the other day.

I woke up to the sound of deep voice crying, my body bolted up naturally after pulling out a gun from my leg holster. After stoping and listening for the voice I heard it was from the floor this made me realise it was Andy. I jumped out of my bed and went to his side.

"Babe why are you on the floor?" I asked while stroking his soft hair.

"I fell off while sleeping" He said between sobs. I couldn't bare to see him in pain. Slowly my arms encased around his broken body and lifted him onto his bed, placing his body on a pillow for extra comfort.

"Hun I'm just going to get your ointment back soon" I kissed his sweaty forehead and ran to the kitchen heaved his ointment and ran back as quick as I could.

"30 seconds." He smiled.

I covered my hands in the thick White solution and started to rub gently on his bruise. His eyes slowly drooping, I smiled. After two more minutes he was sound asleep. I made my way down stairs to the lounge and everyone was there.

"Sarah how is he?" cc asked.

"Asleep but in agony."

"Zane called he will get here in 20 minutes" It was Ash who spoke this time I didn't reply but ran upstairs as quickly as I could so I could be ready by the time he gets here.

"Sarah zanes here." Jinxx shoutes up. I instantly ran down and jumped into his arms.

"Oh how are you?" He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Not bad thanks how you and the family?" I kissed his cheek when I had finished my sentence.

"There fine thanks they say hi now let's get him inside." He walked outside before a reply had formed in my head.

Zane walked in seconds later dragging with him a tied and gagged Simon jack jones or as we know him 'Garry' his pleas were muffled but the fear was clear in his eyes. Zane took him straight to room 16.


Well here is your christmas present. Merry Christmas have a good one!

Autumn out

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