Chapter 16

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Andy's p.o.v

I knew Sarah and satan's revenge were being interviewed but I was hungry and she was singing and I love to sing with her.

"I will take this burden on become the holy one but remember I'm human And I'm bound to sing this song

So hear my voice and remember not to bleed

I'm here......

Saviour will be here when you feel alone oh

Saviour for all that you do so live freely without there harm

So her I write my lullaby to all the lonely ones

So I take this pen and tech you how to live

But what is left unsaid is the greatest gift I give

So hear my voice and remember not to bleed

Saviour will be here when you feel alone oh

Saviour for all that you do so live freely without there harm

Saviour will be here when you feel alone oh

Saviour for all that you do so live freely without there harm

When I hear your cries praying for life I will be there

When I hear your cries praying for life

I will be there

I will be there

I will always be there

I will be THERE." He smiled when we both screamed the last few lines. Every one clapped.

"Wow guys that was great maybe you could do a duet with both satan's revenge and black veil brides?"

"We could I have the new song" Sarah said thoughtfully

"One condition. You make food now I swear you starving us" The rest of the band joined in.


"So you heard it hear first. Good bye and thanks for watching." Santiago smiled before him and his crew left leaving Sarah to make tea. I stayed sat on the sofa thinking just how much my life has changed in the past few months.

1) some one is trying to kill me

2) the person who saved me was 14 (15 now)

3) I live in England

4) I'm adopted

5) My real parents are dead

6) I have a sister

7) My sister is loaded

8) Sarah saved me from death

9) My sister died for me (Although she is alive now)

10) My sister is more famous than me and I have her to thank for my fame.

11) I live in a fucking huge mansion

12) People thought I died in an explosion

13) The rest of the guys live with me

14) Sammi and Jinxx are getting married (Sarah won't let them pay for it)

15) Sammi and Jinxx are having a baby

Wow now thinking about it my life is weird and I wouldn't have it any way this is my family and my new life and I love it!

"Andy!" Sarah yelled.

"Coming" I yelled back while running towards the kitchen after getting and quick waft of the nicest smelling aroma ever. Once the washing of the hands was done we all including satan's revenge sat down to homemade pizza.

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