Chapter 14

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Andy's p.o.v

I looked at the small fragile body before me in confusion.

"FALLON!" She shouted he ran to her side.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Why is tall dark and scary standing at the side of my bed?" She sounded irritated.

"Do you know who he is?"

"No shit Sherlock! That's and Andy Biersack, Jeremy Derguson, Jake Pitts, Ashley purdy-" the door slammed open. "And that is Christian Coma." She said in a duh tone.

"Yeah but who are they really?" He asked.

"Fucking hell you are dum they are Black Veil Brides dip-shit!" She exclaimed.

"Holy crap" I mumbled.

Sarah's p.o.v

They were there! Black Veil Brides were stood next to me and I didn't know why.

"Errrm two questions, 1 why are you here no offence? 2 where are mum and dad?" I asked.

They all looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Sarah-"Andy was cut off by the doctor coming in with a big smile on his face.

"Ahh Miss Taylor I see you are awake. How are we feeling ?"

"Errr well it would help if I knew these people were and where mum and dad are." I told him.

"So you don't remember?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Well I don't quite know how to break this to you but you have brain damage. And your parents are dead" I froze struggling to breath. My vision started to blur, my chest getting tighter and tighter. Fallon pulled my face towards his and kissed me softly just enough to leave me wanting more but yet just enough to bring me back to a normal state.

"What happened to them?" I asked timidly.

"They were murdered and you just made it out alive." The doctor told me.

"Where are the people that did the deed?" I asked anger building up at the thought of them still alive.

"Well you haven't killed them but I do believe they are coming out of prison today." Fallon was the one who answered this time.

"When exactly?" I asked.

"One hour."

"Right this is what us going to happen. Doc get me my release forms. Fallon honey get me clothes and you guys where are you staying cause we will give you a lift back" I looked at Andy at this point.

"Errm we kinda live with you." He smiled sheepishly. "But we can stay on the bus" He added quickly.

"No you are staying with me but out of curiosity how did you staying with me occur?"

"Well when you met us at you hotel, the Taylors I think, someone was trying to kill us but you saved us and wouldn't let us go until you killed the people that were after us." He smiled. I laughed to which he looked confused.

"That sounds like something I would do." The doctor entered and handed me a pen and piece of paper. I quickly signed and we left.

Andy's p.o.v

We were sat in the car on our way home everyone is talking but me, all I can think of is Sarah. I still can't see how she has forgotten us. You can tell she is thinking really hard to try and remember but it is still frustrating. The car stops and I don't move still thinking. Cc walks up to me.

"Dude come on we need to go inside." I followed him staring into space.

Sarah p.o.v

I pushed the bouton at the end of my bed. One of my walls flipped around to reveal my secret stash of weapons. I walk into my wardrobe and grab a black top, black leggings and skin tight shorts all fitted with clips once changed I grabbed my boots which were fitted with a knife stealth. I walked into my room and kitted up with every thing I could possibly need. I walked into the kitchen and pulled my hair into a tight bun.

"Hi Sarah." Andy said.

"Hi Andy, Hi guys."I pulled on my balaclava. "Bye guys." And walked out of the house.

Andy's p.o.v

I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a very worried looking Fallon.

"We need to help her remember, but how?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know." I replied annoyed with my self. We all lapsed into a peaceful science. A few minutes later Sarah walked in wearing completely black while pulling her hair up into a tight bun.

"Hi Sarah" I sai.

"Hi Andy, hi guys." She stopes talking and pulled a balaclava on before continuing "Bye guys." Then walked out of the house I heard her bike start up a few seconds later.

"Shit guys she is about to kill someone." My voice was flooded with distaste

"Yeah but she has to do this." Fallon told us then walked out.

Sarah's p.o.v

I walked out of the house jumped on my bike and set off knowing that when I will have finished my next task my parents death would be avenged. Jumping of my bike and headed into a building across the road from the prison. I headed to the roof set up my gear and waited for release time.

Minutes passed and I waited silently. Waiting for the evil faces to walk out of the gate.

10 minutes later

They walked out of the gate together, I smiled knowing that this would be the last time they walked, talked, breathed. But what really made me smile was knowing I would be the cause of their death. My finger slowly inched back on the trigger moving closer and closer to their painful deaths.


One of the men gasped an fell to the ground dead. I reloaded and took aim at the last man I pulled on the trigger and BANG! this man didn't groan of die just smiled. Bastard! He must be wearing a bullet proof vest as where my shot would of hit, his heart, he would be dead like the other piece of scum laying motionless on the ground next to him. I laughed and pulled the trigger twice more. BANG! BANG! once in the same place as before causing the previous bullet to penetrate his heart and the second one his heat cutting out all chance of survival. Swinging my legs over the side if the building I pushed my self of and fell to the ground below. Before I could reach the concrete, I moved my body so it was angled toward my bike and landed without a scratch to my body.

Speeding off into the distance I started to get really confused.


Yes it's short but I'm really busy lately so sorry.

Autumn out

Black veil brides are in my basementOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz