Chapter 9-An abusive visit

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"I have a suggestion." Logan stated. Ever since my Godzilla attack to my apartment I've been hanging out with Logan quite a lot. He told me I could stay at his place, sleep in his sisters room. I was surprised he had siblings, it turns out he has 3, all younger than him. He has two 7 year old brothers, who happen to be twins. His sister is 5 years old that has always wanted an older sister. Logan said she would love me.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" He looked unsure if he should say anything. We were in his bedroom currently. So yeah, I accepted to stay at his place, but don't think I went down without a fight!


"You are free to leave now Miss Grey." I smiled at the doctor. Finally! I hate hospitals so much.

"Now where will I go! I really should've left my door up..." Logan snorted at that.

"You really should have left everything up. Anyway..." He trailed off at my glare. "You can stay at my place." I glared even more at that comment.


"Fine then where are you staying?" I frowned. I have no family left and all my friends hate's come to that time I go hobo style. Wait I'm rich, I could just rent a room. But Logan would know I have a lot of money and I just can't have that, no, no.

"I don't know yet..." He smirked at me.

"Yes you do know. You're staying at my house." My glare returned.

"I said no you glob of booty cheeks!" He made a weird face. What did I say...?

"You're staying with me and that's final." I smiled evilly and stood in front of him, making sure my backpack was ready for a run.

"Make. Me." After that I ran out of the place as fast as my feet that have a bunch of cuts, could go. "SUCKER!!!" I started laughing like a maniac-that is until someone threw me over their shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU UGLY MONKEY POO!!" I yelled down at Logan. I was forced to stare, not only at his back, but at his butt as well. That's a pretty sexy butt.

"I don't know where you get those words from." I shrugged and kept staring at his butt. It's like it captured me with it's amazingness.

"Hey Logan?"

"Mmm?" He hummed.

"I like your ass..."

"I like it too." I can seriously just imagine his cocky smile right now.


Yeah I was forced against my will but I got a good look at that ass, eh?

"Well..maybe you should pay your birth parents a visit.." My face hardened instantly, all my other thoughts erased.

"No." He lets out a breath I did not know he was holding.

"I expected you to say that, but think about it, what if they had a reason to leave you?" I never even thought about that...

"Then why didn't they come looking for me?" He seems to think about it for a second.

"Well they're looking for you now, maybe they've been looking and they barely found you." I sigh. He's right. For all I know they could have been protecting me from a serial killer. If that was so I would have to say;my life just keeps getting more interesting as time goes.

"Ugh, fine, fine! I'll talk to them, although I must say, my 'father' didn't look too happy to see me." Logan frowns at that. Yeah I don't know what I did, but my dear daddy seems to have a dislike towards me. Maybe he doesn't want me and he's just trying to get my mom happy. Makes sense, but I can never be sure.

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