Chapter14-Camping trip-PART 1

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I am going to kill him.

I am going to take out all of the guts from his body.

I am going to feed his meat to the bears.


"I..I'm..I'm sorry!" Logan said in between laughter.

"You will suffer Logan Ride." I said through clenched teeth.

He fucking decided that dropping me in a lake is okay. Just because he was 'tired'. He's such pussy!

So I'm deciding that killing him is okay too.

Dropping Jackie in a lake is not something you wanna do..I hope Logan gets the memo after I torture him.


"WOOH HOO!! WE'RE HERE CLASS!" Mr. Henry yelled. Everyone dropped to their knees, probably tired from such a long walk.

I'm still on Logan's back, happy like a unicorn.

"Goddam Jackie, you fat faggot." Logan huffed. I'm proud of Logan, he managed to carry me all through the 5 miles.

"OMGS LOGAN!! LOOK AT THE PRETTY LAKE!" I squealed. The lake was something to look at-that's for sure.

The water was see through, so you could spot all the little fishes and rocks. It's so beautiful, the water is literally crystal clear.

I kinda wanna go in....after I put a bikini on of course!!

"Yeah it's great..." Logan was about to set me down but placed me back on his back correctly and chuckled to himself.

"Erm...You can put me down now." I stated.

"Sure thing." He started walking towards the river. I'm confused...why is he walking...shit!

"LOGAN DON'T YOU DA-AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" I cut myself short with a scream as I flew in the air. I felt the impact of the cold water hit me. Sucking in my breath, I went underwater.


He is a cruel son of a bitch.

"Stay away from me Jackie..!" Logan warned me, with his hands in front of him. I slowly climbed out of the water, drops of water falling from my wet clothes and body.

"You're gonna get it Logan, and you're not gonna like it." I said, a creepy smile forming at the corner of my lips.

I probably look like a crazy lady that's high on drugs. That's how a feel anyway.

"Fuck.." He ran. That's all there is to it. Logan Ride, the bad boy is on the run from Jackie. I told ya he's a pussy.

I would chase him but....he has gotten too far already and I don't wanna run in wet clothes.

I watched Logan run and sigh. I'll kill him later when he realizes I'm not chasing after him. I am wondering how he's running with such speed after walking 5 miles with a girl who weighs 119 pounds on his back.

It's surprising really.

I grabbed my things and sat down, letting the sun dry my wet clothes and skin.

"Jackie, where is Logan? You're suppose to stick with your partner." I rolled my eyes at Mr. Henry.

"Oh Mr. Henry, when do I ever follow the rules?" It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Jackie, find Logan and stick with him. It's going to get dark soon and we're making a fire." My eyes lit up at that.

"Does this mean we get s'more?!" I gasped with happiness and excitement. S'mores are the shit.

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