Chapter12-Addition to the coke project

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Okay, so I haven't gone to school in a while BUT, today I go back! Yay! Just kidding, that doesn't make me happy. It never will.

"Logan!!" I was done getting dressed and ready for school...I don't know why, but my ditching days are over, according to Logan anyways.

"What's up?" He walked into the room, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. I sleep with Elia now, instead of Logan.

"When I'm I meeting your parents?" I've been living with him for almost a week and still haven't met his mother nor father. I haven't even seen them around. The closets I have gotten to seeing them are a couple of family pictures hanging around, even with those, there aren't a lot.

"Erm...I don't know. I don't get to see them much, I doubt you will at all." I sigh. I feel bad-not for Logan..okay maybe a little for Logan but mostly for Elia and the twins. They're little kids who have to grow up without their parents.

"Who takes care of Elia and the twins when you're out?" He shrugged, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"What? It's either the babysitter or the maids." I rolled my eyes. He should take care of them-actually his parents should be taking care of ALL of them! Poor family.

"Um, okay, we should go to school now." I felt bad for him, but I'm just not good at expressing that.

"Let me just say bye to Elia...where is she anyway?" I smirked. That little girl is adorable but devious.

"Oh she's somewhere. You can apologize later for not saying goodbye, now lets go." I grabbed his arm and pulled him all the way to his car, him complaining about my grip being to tight. What a girl.

"Okay! I let go! Start the damn car." Logan glared at me but got in the car, me hoping on the passenger sit after.

"Hey Jackie?" He sort of whispered.

"Mhmm?" I hummed out, too lazy to actually answer.

"You're not planning on ever visiting your parents right?" Knowing what he meant, I took his question another way.

"Sure, I still go to their grave once a week." I hear him sigh, but he kept his head straight as he drives.

"Not those parents." I rolled my eyes, already knowing what he meant.

"I don't know. Ryan could be abusing Lucy and I don't even know it. I can't just leave her with his sorry ass." I turn to look at Logan, but his face is still on the road, serious.

"I'm going with you this time, I hope you know that." It really sets off my nerves when arrogant boys like him tell me what to do.

"Who the hell invited you?" I was joking of course. It may annoy me that he tries to boss me around, but at the same time, I love how he actually cares enough to protect me.

"I invited myself, and so did Ryan." I made a face of confusion. Ryan invited him?

"What do you mean Ryan invited you? How does he even know you?" Logan's cheeks turned a shade of pink, causing more suspicion to grow in me.

"I meant that the second he laid his hands on you, I was invited over to teach him to respect women." Realization hit me, causing a smirk to form at the edge of my lips.

"Ooooh, I see. Logan loooooooveeesss me!" His cheeks turned more pink. I bursted out laughing, Logan's cheeks turning even MORE pink. He looked so adorable, I'm not gonna lie.

"Shut up..." He mumbled. "We're here." I hadn't noticed that Logan had already parked in the school parking-lot. I looked outside the window. People were staring at the car, probably trying to figure out who was in Logan's passenger sit.

"This might be a long day..." I muttered. Logan chuckled, a deep sexy chuckle...getting off topic Jackie!

"At least today we'll see if we have to add anything to the project." I groaned remembering the reason why Logan and I ever became..not such enemies? Yeah I'll say that.

"Which by the way, we haven't started. We would be done but Logan was an ass so.." He glared at me then rolled his eyes. "What do you think Mr. Henry will add?" Logan simply shrugged and opened his door. You know how men usually open the door for the lady on their passenger sit? Logan doesn't even think about doing that with me. It's like he forgets there's a girl in his car.

I hopped out of his car, slamming his door on purpose.

"HEY! Don't hurt Spike!" I raised my eyebrows. He names his car and he chose Spike?

"What is your car? A dog?" He glared and stuck his middle finger at me. I simply chuckled at his childish ways. Looking around, I notice everyone was staring, including Amy, Dan, and Nancy. Amy was glaring at me while Nancy and Dan just looked at me as if they were in pain. Shouldn't they glare too? I mean from what they believe, I almost ruined their relationship.

"Jackie, lets go." I felt a muscular arm wrap around my waist, but I didn't loose eye contact with Amy. She kept glaring, I just stared at her blankly. "You're gonna trip if you don't turn around." I turned around and looked forward, yanking Logan's arm in the process. What? He shouldn't be touching me! But he HAS been very nice with me-like preventing me from going hobo.

I looked up at Logan. "Sorry...I'm just mad and upset." He rolled his eyes, acting like he didn't care.

"We all know that Jackie being upset and mad is not a good combination." I giggled a little. True that Logan, true that.

"I'm going to take a pee...catch you later in class and if Mr. Henry says anything about the project...please, be paying attention." I chuckled as he made a face and ran to the bathroom, my bladder threatening to explode.

~after bathroom break...~

I'm late for class! Now, the only problem with that is that I want to know more about what we have to do for the project and Logan is probably taking a nap.

"Run, run down the stairs, gently with your feet. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, just don't break your teeth." I sang out loud as I ran down the stairs-almost tripping over my feet. I walked up to Mr. Henry's room, slamming the door open-like always.

"Ah, Jackie, how nice of you to join us. Why don't you take a seat?" I smiled and went to sit next to Logan. I took over Logan's back seat so now he has another seat to call 'his'.

"Has he said anything about the project?" I asked, out of breath from running.

"Nope, he's about to, so shut up." I glared but focused on Mr. Henry.

"Okay class, I know I said your project was due 5 days after I gave it to you. Obviously I've extended your time because today I have decided to give an addition to your projects!" Groans filled the room. Ha, get it? It's funny how such sexual noises are made everyday, even by little kids. "Alright, alright. The addition isn't boring and it isn't bad. Well it's bad if you don't like your partner." He glanced at Logan and I. "But I think it should be fun and it was also very expensive for me to be able to make this addition happen but I did it for you guys." Mmm..

"What's the addition?" I blurted. It's not everyday a teacher spends a lot of money on their students.

"We're going camping!!" A chorus of 'yes' and 'hell yeah!' were said. If you couldn't guess, I said 'hell yeah'. I looked at Logan, who's head was on the desk, snoring his heart out.

"Logan..." I poked his cheek. His nose wrinkled.

"Hey dude..." Another poke, another wrinkle.

"Logan boy..." I poked his nose, his nose wrinkle increased a bit.

"I know who you like." He made a moaning sound. HAHAHAHHAHAA!! He's probably dreaming about this somebody he likes! A sudden thought hit me.

Who does Logan like?

Cecily? I mean, he did lie about dating her. He must have some sort of feelings for her?

"Jackie..." He mumbled. Wait! He mumble MY name? What does this mean? Eh probably that he's trying to beat me up in his dream...but then I go all super ninja on his ass.

I filled my lungs with air, then screamed. "LOGAN GET UP!! THE SCHOOL IS ON FIRE!!"

He jumped up to his feet, yelling, "WHERE'S JACKIE?!" My eyes widened. Aww. See? He cares!

"Awe, Logan! Were you planning on saving me from the fire?" He started looking around until, slowly, his eyes landed on me with a glare.

"Don't ever do that." Ignoring the fact he's glaring at me, I giggled. Logan isn't so heartless. Deep down, when he gets to know someone-which doesn't happen a lot-he starts to care for them. I mean, he still a rude ass but he CARES! I never thought I'd say that.

"So what happened?" Logan asked, running his eyes and sitting back down.

"We're going camping as the addition for the project." I smiled, thinking about how the camping trip could go. All those pranks I could pull off...

"What does camping have to do with a soda project?" Logan asked, looking completely confused. And he has a right to be confused. How does a soda project relate to camping. Not that I'm complaining of course.

"Mr. Henry?" I yelled with a whiny voice. From the corner of my eye I could see Logan rolling his eyes. I don't know why, but Logan and I have this thing and we roll our eyes at each other.

"Yes Jackie?"

"What does camping have to do with sodas?" Mr. Henry made a creepy smile. Like really creepy.

"Great question. I'm surprised you notice. Mostly everyone is just excited and don't care why we're going camping. You see, the whole point of the soda project was for you and your partner to get to know each other. Seems like I had to do more than just give you sodas. So I decided on this camping trip, you'll share a tent and be together the whole time. If you're a boy and a girl partner, I expect no inappropriate happenings in those tents." Haha, like that would happen with Logan.

It could if he wasn't an all time jerk.

"You heard the teacher Jackie. So learn to control yourself around me while you can." Logan winked and smirked at me. Arrogant, coincided, stupid child!

"I don't need to control myself! You're face will keep me away just fine!" He laughed and shook his head. Grrr...I want to slap him!

He better control himself....


Short but I just wanted to update!!

I PROMISE the next chapter will come much more quickly! But seriously, my teachers gave me homework for the damn weekend! A lot of you may think-so what? But I'm not use to that! I never get my weekends ruined by homework, but it seems like that has changed....

P.S. if I make a tweeter-I'm the only one at school without one-will you guys follow? Don't worry I'll follow back on there!

P.P.S. I also love chatting with you guys! So if any of ya want to kik me you can! Im PuppyIsy

~Isy >_<

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