Chapter15-Camping trip PART 2

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"Who's next?" The guy who suggested we play this asked.

I was surprised when Logan's hand shot up.

" go." The guy said in surprise. Logan walked to the middle and started spinning the bottle. I got little butterflies thinking about the bottle landing on me.

I hope it does...and if it doesn't, I hope it lands on a boy. Anything's better than a girl.

The bottled slowed down around Cecily. Oh fuck no! Please don't land on her!

The bottle stopped, but not on Cecily, it stopped on Amy.

Ooohhh HELL to the NO!


Logan looked up at Amy, but not before taking a quick glance at me. Dear lord, I swear of they kiss...I might just explode. I honestly don't know why I'm feeling so, what's the word, jealous? Yes. Okay I'll admit, I'm jealous as hell.

"Oh'll enjoy this, trust me." Amy purred. She's not like the Amy I knew. I didn't know her for long, but it sure felt like I had known her longer. Reality hit me like an elephant crashing down on me. Maybe she was faking the whole time. The only people who could really be hurt though are Nancy and Daniel, they've known each other for a long time.

I looked over Logan's facial expression. He seemed uncomfortable and grossed out. I hope he's grossed out about the thought of kissing Amy.

"Never mind, I rather not play." Logan stated, backing away from Amy, who had gotten herself closer to Logan.

"What?!" Amy screeched. "That's not the game Log-" She got cut off.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?" Logan questioned, his voice making Amy shrink. Who could blame her? Logan is one scary son of a gun. Of course I wouldn't show fear towards him, my ego is far too big.

"" She stuttered, backing away from him. Logan seemed satisfied with the effect he had on her.

"Do you wanna spin again or no?" A random blonde girl, who's clothes were too tight on her, yelled out at Logan.

Logan smirked. "Sure, why not? As long as the bottle doesn't land on a slut or dude, I'll play again." He said coolly. Oh sweet bottle of Jesus, please land on me...

Why am I thinking like this? I don't want the bottle to land on me, then I would have to kiss Logan, which is overrated for me. I shouldn't even want Logan as my friend but that changed the minute I moved into his house and got to know him better. That doesn't mean I want to kiss him though, because I don't.

My thought were going overdrive at how much I was thinking about this. Am I really arguing in my head what my feelings towards Logan are?

Logan bent down besides the bottle once again and spun it. My hands started to sweat and my nerves kicked in. The bottle started to slow down, nowhere near me, might I add. It kept spinning, slower but it continued. I put my hands in my mouth, biting my nails.


The bottle stopped.

And let me say that my nerves increased at who it landed on. The bottle landed on me. The bottle landed on me....oh my god the bottle landed on me!!!! What the hell do I do?!?! The bottle clearly points at me, as do everyone's eyes.

"Kiss already!" It was Nancy who yelled that. I looked up at Logan. He was staring at me with an unrecognizable look in his eyes. He started walking towards me, and my hands started to shake. He stopped right in front of me and squadded down in front of me.

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