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Hello! :) Thanks for clicking on my story! It's my first fanfic, so . . . uh, yeah. It's probably not going to be the best thing ever written. But try it anyway! Give it a shot. You just might like it.

If you have any questions about the story, don't be afraid to ask! I will gladly answer about anything that's confusing . . . Or strange.

Oh, and I'm not British, so I don't know every slang term. Feel free to correct me if something bothers you. :) Thanks


"What do you want?" Louis asks, pushing the heavy door in. "It'll be my treat.

The aroma of pungent coffee beans and freshly baked goods fills the air, wrapping and weaving around him like a warm hug. It was comforting and familiar.

"Latte," the other boy decides without hesitation.

Louis' hand snaps up to clutch at his chest, mouth agape in disbelief. He can tell that the boy is holding back from his usual extreme eating excursions for his expense, and he appreciates it deeply. They both know that he would be nearly broke if he had to pay for everything that boy inhales.

"What?" Louis exclaims with an incredulous drawl. "Niall doesn't want food? Is the world ending?"

"Haha. Very funny, Lou." Niall rolls his clear blue eyes, hand slipping into his pant's pocket to pull out his smart phone. He clicks the power button and checks the time. Waving his phone, he motions to the large red booth in the corner of the café. "Just get my damn latte. I'll save us some seats."

"Sure," Louis grumbles as soon as he's out of ear shot. "Make Louis get the drinks. Ungrateful twat."

It's not that he hates talking to people . . . but he hates it. Social interaction just isn't his forte. He's awkward and quiet. So it really wasn't a surprise when he mumbles through the order, having to repeat himself on multiple occasions because the cashier "couldn't hear him".  Though he believes the girl could hear him just fine by her smug smile. He resorts to keeping his scathing remarks to himself and snatching the cups from her hands with a stiff smile, walking steadily to the booth where Niall is perched.

"Here's your damn latte."

Louis places it carefully in front of him, watching through slitted blue eyes as he pockets his precious phone and brings the cup closer.

"Thanks, Lou."

Niall wraps his hands around the small cup, linking his fingers together and soaking up the warmth with a grin. There's an immediate mischievous twinkle to his eyes that Louis finds himself very suspicious of.

"So . . ." Niall draws out. "I heard someone is getting a new roommate."

Louis grimaces. "Please don't remind me."

He really doesn't want to be reminded of the fact that his new stepmom is moving in with her, more than likely, bratty teenage son. Sure, she is nice. She treats his dad well and all that, well as far as he knows. But he's only met the woman a couple of times now, and he's never even met her son. He doesn't know what to expect -whether he should be thrilled or terrified of the oncoming changes, and that worries him.

Niall furrows his eyebrows, running a hand through his dyed blonde quiff. "You said she has a son, right?" Louis nods stiffly, and he smirks. "So you're going to have a brother?"

"I really don't want to think about it, Ni. It's going to be awkward as all hell when they move in tonight."

"Oh, come on, Lou!" He blurts. "It'll be fun. I've always wanted a brother." He leans forward across the table, the corners of his mouth deepening in his smirk. "He might even be cute."

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