Sequel - Official Announcement

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I got a really awesome and surprising response by you all saying that I should continue on with a sequel. (I think it managed over a hundred responses within like 48 hours, which is absolutely crazy considering how ancient this book is). So, I just wanted to inform you all that it will be going into works soon!

Note: I am in my final semester of college, and I really need to make my grades to graduate and get into vet school, so I will write when I've got the time. That may not be everyday. I hope you all are patient with me, I'll do my best.

In the meantime, feel free to reread or crack into some of my other books (shameless self-promo).

I will send out another official announcement once I've got the first chapter of the book up!! Keep an eye out.

Thanks, love to you all.

The Brother I Never Wanted (Larry AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin