Chapter 17

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"Why the hell did your coach just call me and tell me that you got suspended from school? For a week?"

Louis flinches at the harsh tone of his step mum's voice, sliding his backpack off his shoulder to drop onto the wood floor with an unsettling guilty feeling clawing at his insides. He can see Harry in the kitchen from where he's standing, and he doesn't look like he has an ounce of remorse about telling her that he got suspended. The curly lad just leans back, putting one elbow on the counter behind him and meets her fiery gaze. Louis could never do that - play it off like it's no big deal.

His shoulder lifts in a lazy shrug, and his voice drops back to that slow drawl. "I punched some prick. I got suspended. It's pretty straightforward."

"He said that you sent the poor kid to the hospital, Harry! I thought I told you to get over this rebellious phase of yours! Hurting people is not funny - it's not even remotely acceptable. Under any circumstance. I thought I raised you better than this."

Harry picks at the bandage of his hand, some blood splattered across the white there, and his mum looks like she's about to lose her shit upon seeing that. His emerald eyes dart up and meet Louis' down the hall as he stands frozen by the door, then they quickly flicker away as if he doesn't want to look at him. "I had a good reason. You know I wouldn't physically hurt someone like that if I didn't."

Anne presses her hand to her forehead. "There's never a good reason to do something like that, Harry! There's a reason we teach you kids to learn to talk things out before getting physical." She sighs. "I'm very disappointed in you."

Louis frowns at that, stepping between his dad - whom has pursed lips and a slightly red, angry face like he too expects much more from Harry - and the counter to reach the fridge. He sounds like a broken record, but his stepbrother really doesn't deserve any of this. If a bully was picking on Niall or someone else he loved - not that he thinks Harry loves him - he would not hesitate to assert some authority back, and if that meant decking them, well . . .

"It was justified, you've got to believe me!"

"I don't know what to believe anymore, young man. Your behavior has been atrocious lately."

Harry steps from the counter. "Whatever, mum. I'm not apologizing for what I did. That guy was an arse and deserved every single punch. You told me I should always stand up for what I believe in, so I did."

"That's it, mister. Give me your phone."

"What? Why?" He scoffs incredulously.

"Because this is a very serious situation, and I will not just simply ignore the fact that you put a kid in the hospital. No matter the reason, that was completely out of line. Clearly I need to start disciplining you better. And we will start with your technology. Therefore, give me phone. Now."

His eyes narrow in the makings of what looks like a harsh glare, but something in her expression makes him back off, and he slowly reaches into his pocket and hands it over.

"And your laptop."

"But, mum!"


"This is so stupid."

"This is your last warning, or I'm taking away your television privileges too. Get your laptop and put it in my room. You're not allowed to use it while you're suspended."

He rolls his eyes angrily, snorting and walking down the hallway to his room. To get his laptop, Louis' guessing. Louis looks down at his vans, staring for a little bit while his step mum complains to his dad about his behavior - his dad occasionally giving a small murmur of agreement.

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