Chapter 16

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*Whispers* "Hey, hey, hey...Guess what day it is."


And this one's a long one! :) Hopefully, you guys will enjoy

Enjoy this picture of my cat ^^^

- <3 Sparks


Louis passes Harry in the hallway on the way to practice, easily recognizing the wide, muscular shape of his back and mane of dark curls. His shoulder is propped against the wall besides the entrance to the lunchroom, and Louis almost calls out to him before he realizes that his plump lips are moving and his dark green eyes are focused on someone in front of him. And he's even more crestfallen when his eyes fall upon the short, red colored uniform and long brown hair. Of course it's a cheerleader.

    Harry doesn't even notice him, his body facing away from where Louis paused in the hallway momentarily, and he sighs. Apparently he's not walking with him to the locker room today. Despite the fact that he said he would this morning. Fabulous. Hiking his bag higher up his shoulder, Louis abandons the place the agreed to meet at and wanders into the locker room, greeting Niall as he drops his bag onto the bench.

    "Hey, Lou. How was school?"

    "The usual boring shit," he answers easily, frowning as he undresses.

    Niall glances up from where he's lacing his boots, tying it up tightly before walking over to his side. "What's wrong?"

    "What makes you think there's something wrong?" Louis pulls up his shorts, gesturing to his locker. Why is Niall always so good at reading him? Maybe he'd just like to keep his thoughts inside. And Louis wouldn't say that there was really anything wrong. Harry wants to flirt with pretty girls. So what? Who doesn't? "Could you grab my shin guards? I think they're under my jeans somewhere."

    Cocking his head, Niall hands over the plastic guards. "I don't know. You seem upset or something."


    Niall gives him a reproachful look, moving back to his bag to grab his water bottle. He screws the lid and dumps the old liquid into the water fountain. "You can always come to me if you want to talk about it."

    "I haven't forgotten."

    "Is it Harry again? I thought you guys were getting along alright. I mean, last night you texted me saying that you guys were talking things over. Did it not work?"

    Louis rubs at his eye, shoe in hand. "Nothing happened. Harry didn't do anything. I'm just . . . tired or something." And it's very true because Harry really didn't do anything. He was just being a teenage boy. Louis has no real reason to get upset because they're definitely not dating or anything stupid like that. "I got an A minus on my history test, so I'm still kind of pissed, but it's nothing."

    His crystal blue eyes roll up in annoyance. "Only you would complain about an A minus."

    "I like perfect grades. You know that."

    "Unfortunately I do." Niall sits on the bench next to him, straddling it as he swings his legs and waits for Louis. "Speaking of the devil, where is he? Shouldn't he be here already? It's almost 3:15."

    "I don't keep tabs on him 24/7 just because he's my step brother," he snaps.

    Niall raises his hands. "It was just a question, Jesus. Man, you really are pissed. What did you do? Fight the teacher for extra credit?"

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