Chapter 9

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Sorry, guys! I know it's been a while since I updated! I was forced to go along to one of my brother's soccer tournaments, so I didn't have a lot of time. But it's okay because I'm updating now!! :)

P.S. I know this first day is taking forever. I'm almost done, I promise. Bear with me

- Sparks x


Louis somehow manages to tumble with great difficulty from the old car, his foot catching, quite unfortunately, on the inside of the doorframe, so that he slumps onto the cold pavement. It's not so much painful as an inconvenience because of the amount of effort it will take to get back up. His bandaged knee makes his  leg rigid and borderline useless. Which makes it quite difficult to haul himself to his feet, even with the aid of his hands. He has to grab onto the car door to keep from stumbling again, and he feels helpless, like a little kid trying to learn to walk for the first time. If Louis wasn't so scared of the kid, he'd tell him off for just leaving him there when he knows he can barely waddle.

He grabs his bag off the ground. There are a couple of new abrasions on his palms, but other than that he's okay - well, for the most part. 'Okay' might be stretching it. He's tired, his body aches with fresh bruises, and he wants nothing more than to take a nice, long shower to wash his thoughts down the drain, along with all the dirt and grime. He feels disgusting, like this day has gone on for weeks and he still hasn't showered, but in reality is only half of a day. His pain seems endless. But, honestly, Louis' just grateful that nothing worse happened. If he broke a leg, he'd never recover in time for the semifinals.

The ice pack that he held in his fist is now on the ground, scattered all over the pavement, and Louis stops to pick it up. He's not one to litter no matter how tired he really is. With the ice collected and bag nestled over his shoulder, he finally waddles inside.

A blast of warmth hits him as soon as the door cracks open, washing over him like a blissful tide. It reminds him of when he was young - his mum was still alive back then - and he would pester his parents into baking cookies like the little brat he was. Then they would open the oven door and feel that warmth pour out, filling his stomach with a certain calmness and anticipation. That's what he feels right now. But instead of cookies, the prize is a comfy couch cushion with his name written all over it.

Once inside, he falls back against the closed door and let's the strap of his bag slip off his limp fingers. It lands with a loud thud, and he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, raking his fingers through his sweaty, stringy hair as he yanks off his beanie. He can't remember the last time it felt this good to come home. He tosses the ice on his way up the stairs.

Louis enters the bathroom, only tugging off his shirt when he decides he doesn't want to chance a real shower. Not only would his bandage most likely get wet, but he'd probably end up with a dent in his skull if he slipped. So he settles for a quick sponge bath and rinsing his hair out in the sink instead. After he's positive he doesn't smell atrocious anymore, he takes a seat on his bed and worms his way out of his skinny jeans. It's a process, much like Niall commented on earlier, and the sense of relief when it finally slips off his last foot is overwhelming. He dumps them in the basket with his shirt and redresses in some gray sweats and an old t-shirt that he's certain must have a hole in it somewhere by now.

The bruises he can't help but spot tend not to faze him much anymore. He's used to coming home with a newly discolored patch of skin or a scrape. Hell, it's practically come to the point where it'd be weird if he didn't. It's not everyday that they actually go so far as to actually hurt him this bad though, usually just a nudge or soft push, and Louis wonders if it's only going to get worse leading up to finals. The thought terrifies him more than it should. He's uncertain whether his teammates would take him out if it meant they could be captain. A couple of them, he could maybe see doing it, but it stills seems too sadistic. Even for them.

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