Chapter 28

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Lol this me when I'm in class and I see my friend in the hall

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Lol this me when I'm in class and I see my friend in the hall

Another update! Yay

I just started third term of my senior year. Oh my lord. I'm getting old. Anyway, I should warn you that my new classes are going to take up a lot of my time. I'm basically in two AP classes and I have to work on something after school every day for the next two weeks just to meet this deadline for a project for Art club, so I'm gonna be busy. I'll try to keep the updating fairly regular though. Wish me luck!

- Sparks <3


" actually want to come? You'd do that?"

"Sure, I love football." Jake rolls down the window on his side, putting his arm on the sill so that the wind buffets his hair. "You're probably pretty decent if you're captain, huh? I admire a good leader."

Louis shrugs bashfully, not quite sure what to say. He can never tell if they don't like him so much because of his preference in dating or because of his lack of good leading skills. He doesn't think he's terrible. They've made it to the finals, after all. "I guess." Louis smiles a bit, following his example and rolling down his own window. He dips his fingers out, the air feeling like water flowing past. "I could introduce you to my best mate. He's really eager to meet you. Since you're my first date and all. He's really weird, but he' Kind of like a monkey."

"I'd love to meet him. What's his name?"

"Niall." Louis retracts his hand from outside. "Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me. Football is a pretty big part of my life, so this definitely earns you bonus points in my book. Anyone willing to give up their time to support me is worth it, I think."

Jake pulls into his driveway, shifting the gear so that the lock clicks. The corners of his mouth turn up. "You're very welcome."

Louis smiles, feeling his heart thump a little bit faster. There's a pause where Louis hesitates, hand on the door latch as he considers his options. It's not too early, is it? He thinks a quick fuck it and leans across the console to kiss his cheek. The roughness of his beard is a lot different than Harry's smooth skin. "Thank you for everything. I expect to see you at my game though. I'm going to look in the stands for you."

"I'll be there." His eyes suddenly widen. "Oh, shit. Wait." Louis pauses before he can close the door, looking up at him. "I have a seminar tonight."

His stomach churns in disappointment. He looks down at the cement, wishing this wasn't such a big deal. Jake's going to be a lawyer; he's in law school. He should've expected he wouldn't have a lot of free time to go to his silly high school football game. "O-Oh. Okay. It's cool, I guess. Maybe next time."

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