Chapter 26

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Hello!! I know this is a super early update, but I'm on winter break, and I've got no life and nothing better to do, so I figured...why not update? Sorry, it's mostly just more fluff because they're adorable. But I think this is a major breakthrough for the characters, and I'll be planning to add some more drama in the next couple of chapters. Because let's be honest. Drama is life. Even though it makes you want to throw your phone out the window sometimes.

Haha. And, I kind of changed my mind on the story idea. I have one that I've thought about some, and I think it's going to turn out good. If anyone is interested, I'm going to probably post a little preview chapter or something in the next few weeks.

P.s. It's about Harry dying in an accident and then having to live the same day over and over again while pursuing a love interest (obviously Louis - because duh). And it's kind of cheesy, and it's got a ton of angst, but it's super cute. I'm really excited!

Let me know what you think.

- Sparks <3


The soft crackle of the fire serenades the empty room, filling the silence with a soft melody that reminds him of the fact that he's all alone. Their parents left hours ago, doing lord knows what, and lord knows he doesn't want to know - and Harry, well, he's not quite sure. He thinks he recalls seeing him slink out the back door to the woods a good half hour or so ago, so for now, he just assumes he's all by his lonesome. And he takes major advantage of that, pulling on the large sweatshirt he stole from Harry and walking outside in just his socks to gather kindle and logs for the fireplace. Without all the bodies, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious how chilly it is inside, so he puts his fire skills to the test.

As soon as he sits down in front of it though, rubbing his sweater paws, the flame splutters out. Groaning, he rips up more newspaper and kindling, placing them at the base as he tries for a third time to set it ablaze. He clicks the lighter a few times, watching the newspaper catch and turn brown. He observes it closely, biting his lip nervously and praying for luck this time. A pile of small twigs tumbles into the corner, averting the flame, and he quickly but carefully reaches in to nudge it back into place, bum in the air.

He screams out a yelp, nearly falling into the flames when he feels a playful slap to his bum. Heart pumping, he scrambles to the side and glares at the person, but all he sees is Harry's retreating back in the kitchen, the breeze he trails smelling of wind and grass. Louis growls despite the fact there are tingles where he touched him. "Did you just slap my arse?"

His stepbrother doesn't turn around to address him, searching the cabinets for something. "What if I did?"

"You nearly killed me! I almost fell into the fire!"


"Dick," he mutters. Breaking another stick, he throws it into the fire.

"You're wearing my sweatshirt." His voice sounds almost soft, but he can't tell if he's amused or just saving his feelings. Sometimes he thinks Harry thinks he's too...soft. Maybe even weak or nerdy.

"Oh, did you want it back?"

Harry blinks at him, sipping his drink. "No, keep it. It looks better on you anyway."

Louis eyes him over his shoulder, secretly glowing on the inside. It's probably a meaningless comment to him, but it sets his heart into a frenzy. He can never resist a good compliment. However, he's determined not to show it. Smiling, he changes the subject. "What are you drinking?"

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