Chapter 8

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Ugh. Sorry guys if this is terrible. I just threw it together tonight because I realized - oh crap - it's Wednesday; I'm supposed to update today. Oh well :) Hopefully you enjoy it anyway. If you don't . . . Sorry?

Btw that shake looks so good omg

~ Sparks. X


Harry apparently decides that he wants ice cream at the last possible second, muttering a, "fuck it" before swerving into the parking lot to a small shop. Louis doesn't think he's ever screamed louder than he did in that moment. He swears his heart skips at least two beats when the truck coming the other way just barely misses, driver seemingly leaning on the horn to cuss them out. It's unfortunate because he's actually not that bad of a driver. The basic skills are there. He just apparently prefers to be a little reckless.

​Louis' still shaking when Harry puts the car into park. He almost died. Harry almost fucking killed them, and Louis' more than just a little pissed off about it. As soon as he manages to get his breathing under control, he growls, leaning over to rip the keys out of the ignition. He clutches them tightly, making sure that Harry is paying attention to him.

​"After today . . ." he starts, holding the keys up in his face. "You are not to touch these keys ever again. Got it? No more driving."

​The boy looks unaffected, lips pressed in an uninterested line. How can he possibly look so bored after pulling a stunt like that? He's a maniac, Louis' sure of it. He looks from Louis' eyes to the keys, then snatches the keys from his hand and pushes his door open.

​"Oh, loosen up." Loosen up? He wants Louis to fucking loosen up? Is he insane? He swings his long legs out of the car and climbs out. Breathing in dramatically, he turns and throws his forearm against the top of the car so he can bend down to smirk at him. It's infuriating really. "You're so uptight. Relax those shoulders. Loosen that jaw." When Louis doesn't even twitch, he continues. "You should learn to be more flexible . . ."

​He drums his long fingers on the edge of the door, eyes twinkling. "What's your name again?"

​Louis really doesn't know why – he really shouldn't care, but he feels something like a sting in his chest at his words. It's the same feeling he'll get when Niall's upset with him or his mum yells at him. He knows it all too well. It is hurt and loneliness all at the same time – a deadly combination if you really think about it.

All the anger just really seems to leave his body in one rush, and Louis wonders why Harry can't just be nice to him. He wonders why he doesn't deserve a stepbrother that actually cares. He knows it's just a joke to him – simple teasing. But it doesn't feel that way. Louis swallows around the tightness in his throat, directing his gaze to look out the window on his side so he doesn't have to look at Harry and picks at a strand on his jeans.

"Whatever. Just get your damn ice cream."

He doesn't look, but he can tell – no, he can feel – his presence linger by the car door for a second. It's almost like he doesn't know how to respond. And Louis wonders if maybe he's smart enough to figure out what to say and apologize. He gives him the opportunity, continuing to listen to his soft breathing for a couple seconds after he stopped talking. But then he hears the door slam on the driver's side, and Louis sags.

Staring out at the gray, cloudy sky, he doesn't really know why he expected something different. He's still just that stupid stepbrother that he's stuck with. He's still nothing to him. And Louis knows they don't know each other that well, but it really fucking hurts because the damn kid isn't even giving him a chance.

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